Pandering !

After realizing that California is deeply in debt, does anybody think that the Dems in Sacramento will stop and say that the planned reparations for African Americans presently living in California are financially impossible? 

From the Washington Examiner:

The California Reparations Task Force is considering direct monetary payments for black citizens, which could go as high as $1.2 million per person. The cost for the monetary payments alone is estimated to be $800 billion, nearly 2.5 times the entire state budget of California. All this comes as the state faces a $22.5 billion budget deficit for fiscal 2024 

Putting the financial ludicrousness aside for a second, this is still a ridiculous idea as California was never a slave state, and there is no one still alive today that was around at the time of slavery.  Pure and simple this is obviously Pandering! Plan A! We wanted to give all of you black folks money, but we weren’t allowed to. Vote for us anyway!”)

The Governor of California has implied that he will not sign on to this version of financial suicide. (At present he doesn’t need to pander.) Ergo the Dems in California must come up with a pandering alternative … Hmmm!

From the Daily Mail: 

California’s reparations task force has said that black people should be given priority in the renting and buying market – and demanded that a state agency should have the veto power over real estate decisions to ‘lessen racial segregation.’ 

This should be referred to as Pandering Plan B.

While anyone with half a brain knows that this will never fly as it is blatantly unconstitutional, that is really not the actual point. … (“We tried to get a great real estate deal for all you black folks, but we weren’t allowed to. Vote for us anyway!)

What will be Pandering Plan C?


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