Outrageous … But Then

It is amazing to me that when I hear an outrageous story, I can almost bet that something even more outrageous will soon be coming down the pike. Last night I heard a story … an undoubtedly true story from a very reliable source.

This story involved two women in their nineties that now lived in Germany. Many years back they had transiently lived in the U.S. with a relative. However, within a year or so after the relative died, the two older women decided to move back to their homeland. They then moved back to Germany where they have lived ever since. Last month when their nephew made his bimonthly “how are you getting along aunty” telephone call, the two elderly women were in quite a tizzy, and didn’t know what to do. They had each received a $600 debit card from the IRS … the IRS in the U.S., which had sent these cards to them at their address in Germany. I thought, “It is outrageous enough that people in the U.S. got this free money when they didn’t deserve it. At least they would be spending it in the U.S. – but these two older German citizens would be adding to Germany’s GNP courtesy of the U.S. Government.

Certainly outrageous … but then today the other outrageous “I can top that” shoe dropped. The following is from a Tik Tok video courtesy of Rand Paul. (Yes, that same Rand Paul that was recently banned from YouTube for reporting on two peer reviewed medical studies which contradicted the supposed efficiency of face masks in Covid.) 

In this Tik Tok video Sen. Paul described how he introduced a bill in the Senate to stop sending stimulus checks to dead people. He related that 1.1 million dead people received over $1 billion in stimulus checks this past summer. Outrageous, you say! But then, what was even more outrageous was that this could only be stopped over a three year period. In other words the same government that insists that it knows best on just about everything needed three years notice in order to stop sending government money to dead people. Outrageous!



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