
Remember back when you were a kid and were told not to touch the hot stove? Well some kids did touch that stove and consequently got their fingers burned – “ouch!” In addition some of those subsequently touched it again . . . they didn’t learn and got burned again – “ouch!”

In the last election a lot of those “I will touch that stove if I want to” individuals voted for Sleepy Joe. They were warned about the consequences, but thought that they knew better, and now the entire country is getting burned. No more Keystone XL pipeline with the loss of 10,000 jobs … oops, that stove was hot – “ouch!” In addition, more than 1,500 workers at a Ford assembly plant in Avon Lake, Ohio were warned that Ford plans to move a “new vehicle construction” project (that would have guaranteed employment for years to come) to Mexico. Oops, that was a hot stove – “ouch!” The Biden border policy . . . total chaos and getting progressively hotter with no actual plan. Opps, you were warned! “OUCH!”

Going back to that stove story, those kids who decided to ignore that initial warning obviously got burnt. However, some of those with burnt fingers, for whatever reason, went back and touched the hot stove again – “ouch!” They did not learn from their mistake. 

Is it possible that those  repeat stove offenders of year’s past are today’s liberals, who just cannot recognize the real life consequences of the actions? “Nonsense,” you say. 

Well let me refer you to a recent study conducted at the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow, Scotland.  That study reported that people with high emotional intelligence are far more skeptical of and much less likely to fall for deceptive and untrue news items (fake news). The study asked a group of volunteers to take a look at various social media news stories, some true and some false.

Senior Teaching Fellow in Psychology at Strathclyde, Dr. Tony Anderson, said, “We assessed whether people were better able to disregard the emotionally charged content of such items and better equipped to assess the veracity of the information. 

The side that tends to be emotionally unstable and is less likely to use logic isn’t the Right, but rather the Libs, who are much less likely to be able to identify the consequences of their action. To me the major question is whether in 2022 those who voted for Biden in 2020 will be able to remember how their fingers hurt when they got burnt. Unfortunately, the true Libs just do not have the capacity to associate Biden with the hot stove.

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