Only in Nevada ?

Judge Wendy Beetlestone on 1/14/19 halted the implementation of a revised set of rules that allowed employers with religious or moral objections to opt out of providing their employees with health insurance that covers birth control. Ms. Beetlestone is a U.S. District Judge from Pennsylvania, and you guessed it, she was appointed by . . . Barack Hussein Obama. According to the Wall Street Journal, she wrote that the rules likely violated constitutional principles, including that they were too broad and were implemented using improper procedures. Translation: “I don’t like Trump, and so I will rule against this because his administration implemented it.” I thought that prostitution was legal only in Nevada!
Then the next day, 1/15/19, U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman “ruled” against Wilbur Ross, President Trump’s Commerce Secretary, who wanted to include a question about citizenship on the 2020 census. Judge Furman “ruled” against asking about citizenship on the census. He said that while a citizenship question is constitutional, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross failed to follow the correct procedure to include it in the forthcoming census. “Secretary Ross’s decision to add a citizenship question in the 2020 census — even if it did not violate the Constitution itself — was unlawful for a multitude of independent reasons and must be set aside,” Furman wrote.Translation: “Judge Furman is an Obama guy all the way, and so doesn’t like Donald Trump.” The question which Ross sought to add reads: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” A question of such nature has appeared before on the census, the last time back in 1950. Reacting to the “ruling,”Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky, said federal law gives Ross the authority to select which questions should appear on the census. Judge Jesse Furman is a U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York, and you guessed it, he was appointed by . . . Barack Hussein Obama, and BTW his brother, Jason Furman  served as an economic adviser to President Barack Obama.  I thought that prostitution was only legal in Nevada!

I do not agree with either of these judges’ “rulings,” but what I really do not understand is how a non-elected judge in a District Court can make a “ruling” that applies to the entire country. If the “ruling” is to apply to only her/his district, then I can reluctantly go along with that . . . but to the entire country . . . by a non-elected “Judge?”     Both of these cases will end up in the Appeals Courts, and ultimately they will go to the Supreme Court. Note that neither of the above two “rulings” were made by a judge in the Ninth Circuit, so ultimately neither will go through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This is important because, if perchance, an obvious politically slanted “ruling” were to come from the Ninth Circuit, which includes Nevada, I might have a modicum of understanding as prostitution is legal in Nevada!

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