“Old School”

“He has a reputation for having good days and bad days — I’ve heard the word ‘mercurial’ used to describe him,” said Dan Adams, a former prosecutor in Milwaukee County and now a defense attorney. “But he is old school, literally and figuratively.”

Mr. Adams is referring to Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder,

as “old school?” As most of us are aware Judge Schroeder is the judge who presided over the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. 

What is the background of Judge Bruce Schroeder?

He graduated from Marquette University as an undergraduate in 1967, and subsequently graduated from Marquette Law School in 1971. (As an aside, neither my wife nor myself recall meeting Bruce Schroeder even though his time at Marquette University overlapped with ours.)

After law school Judge Schroeder spent time as an Assistant D.A., a D.A. and then a private law practitioner before being appointed a judge by the then Democratic Wisconsin Governor, Anthony Earl, in 1983. 

He is the longest-serving circuit court judge in Wisconsin, and his present term expires in 2026. He has acknowledged that some topics raised in pretrial hearings were new to him, and said that until this case, he hadn’t heard of the Proud Boys, which had offered to support Rittenhouse.

Schroeder is known for his businesslike approach and was able to impanel a jury for the Rittenhouse trial in one day. He has a reputation as a no-nonsense judge who is not afraid to voice his displeasure to attorneys arguing their cases in his courtroom. Thus … “old school!”

What do some attorneys who have worked with him say about him?

“His word is final and he’s not afraid to make tough decisions,” Dan Adams, a Wisconsin criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, told CNN.

Another attorney commented, “Judge Schroeder is not a pro-defense judge. He’s a very tough judge. … But he’s going to give you a fair trial.”

“I’d say he is more pro-defense than pro-prosecution in trial,” said Chris Rose, a second-generation criminal defense lawyer in Kenosha who has appeared before Schroeder ‘hundreds of times.’ “The rulings he has made so far in the Rittenhouse trial are consistent with what he has done in the past.”

Was Schroeder fair in this case?

Obviously the crybaby left will say, “no.”

Joy Reid of MSNBC commented, “In the Rittenhouse case, the 13th juror was the judge.”

However, as Cam Edwards pointed out … “if that was actually true, the case never would have gone to the jury to begin with. Judge Bruce Schroeder had every reason to grant a mistrial based on the prosecution’s behavior, but he didn’t do so. Instead, he handed the case over to the jurors, and even during deliberations let them view the drone footage that defense attorneys had objected to.”

Is Judge Schroeder being threatened?

From the Washington Examiner:

“The judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s homicide trial is receiving hundreds of emails threatening him and even his children.

The Kenosha County Courthouse received threatening emails, letters, postcards, and faxes accusing Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder of racism and asking him to resign in addition to warnings about Rittenhouse’s safety if he is acquitted by a jury. There were also threats against the judge’s children, according to the Daily Mail .“

Still from the Washington Examiner … Schroeder noted that there have been “thousands of communications” that he and his staff have received in the course of the trial. He promised he would “deal with” the senders. “I wouldn’t want to be those people,” he said.

Again …”old school.”



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