Obviously Not!

“Using human beings-including children-for perceived political gain is reprehensible,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D,CA) wrote on Twitter. This statement by one of the many potential Democratic candidates for the presidency was in response to the reported possibility of transporting illegal immigrants to sanctuary states and cities. Of course, even those who are big Kamala Harris fans know that her statement is purely reactionary and political. Since usually it’s the Democrats that criticize the President for using Twitter, perhaps this is another example of the pot calling the kettle . . . err, err, never mind! I would like to ask Ms. Harris if she has actually thought this through! She might well answer, “Obviously not!”

Perhaps the following logic will help her better think this through, as I am proposing that we look at the situation from the perspective of the brand new immigrant. I suspect that looking the situation from the non-political perspective of the immigrant is probably an alien concept to Ms. Harris. Has she thought about this from the perspective of an new immigrant ? Obviously not. 
To help Ms. Harris learn about what these new immigrants need and want, one of my Spanish speaking friends spoke with Jose, who had recently crossed the Rio Grande with his wife and their two children. The following is an encapsulated summary of Jose’s feelings on this matter:

“I am an immigrant from Central America and I have just come across the border into southern Texas. Do I want to stay in south Texas? Obviously not, as my first priority is getting to someplace away from the border where I can hope to try to start a new life. That is going to involve figuring out a plan and a route through and out of Texas. How am I going to accomplish that ? In what direction should I go ? I wish that someone could help me find a place where I will feel safe. Do I want to be looking over my shoulder every time I do something or go somewhere ? Obviously not. Perhaps there is some place where I would not have to worry about getting grabbed by the INS in the future ? Somewhere safe and secure . . . is there anyplace safer and more secure than what they call “a sanctuary city or state? “ Obviously not, but where is such a place? I speak no English. That can be a big problem if I end up going someplace where everyone speaks only English. How would I find any work in such a place ? And just as bad, my wife and my kids only speak Spanish. How would my wife find friends ? Where would we go to church ? Where would my kids go to school ? We need to settle somewhere where others speak Spanish, where the schools are bilingual, and where the church services are in Spanish. Is there such a place ? How do I find such a place ?Will I be able to find such a place on my own ? Obviously not.

I have heard that the Democrats are sympathetic to us newcomers. Perhaps they will be able to direct me and my family to a place where I will feel safe, a place where a lot of people already speak Spanish. Perhaps they can figure out a way to help me get to a sanctuary state like California, Colorado, or Illinois, or even better yet a city like San Francisco or Chicago. Is it possible that perhaps one of the Democratic candidates vying for presidency can help me.?”
After reading Sen Harris’ Twitter comment on transporting new immigrants to sanctuary cities and states, I must conclude that her answer to Jose’s last question is, “Obviously, not me!”

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