O.M.G !

CAUTION – Be advised and forewarned, if you are a Karen, a Ken, you may not want to continue reading,  as this will not contain the opinions that everyone is reading in the so-called newspaper or hearing on TV.

Here are some recent headlines:  

“New Jersey ‘pop-up’ house party in Howell Township, 65 miles NE of Philadelphia, has approximately 300 guests!” . . . O.M.G.!

“A large group of young people congregate on the sand at Montrose Beach in Chicago on Monday, July 10. The assembly of this very large group goes against the mayor’s orders.” . . . OMG, the nerve!

“Weekly crowds are congregating in Ocean Beach in San Diego on Wednesday evenings for ‘Drum Circle.’ . . . O.M.G., those bastards!

“Huntington Beach is site of an outdoor church service. Very few masks, and no spatial distancing.” . . . O.M.G., those 1800 heathens are trying to kill us all!

“On 7/24 there was an unlawful assembly of over 1000 church goers at Cardiff State Beach, just north of San Diego.” . . . O.M.G., hopefully these law-breakers  will be damned!

There are plenty more of these kind of newsworthy unlawful assemblies, but no need to list more, as everyone should now get the idea. . . . O.M.G., those thoughtless sob’s are trying to kill us all.

Now, for just a non-PC moment, let’s look at this from another viewpoint.(Karen, and Kenthis is your last chance to keep your BP under control. If you read further, do so at your own risk.) . . . 

Drum-roll, please!  . . . I think we should encourage these types of events. 

As one rereads the above headlines, two things stand out. All, except one are outside events, and in the pictures that I saw, all of these “unlawful combatants “are young. “Young,” as in no one over thirty. (FYI; It was fairly easy to tell the ages because no one was wearing masks.) 

Let’s try to view this whole lockdown insanity from the vantage point of a 25 year old. Most of these young-uns are probably out of work, with little if any income coming in. They are not getting any monthly Social Security checks. They have basically been ordered to stay confined in their parent’s basements, and they are going stir-crazy.

CDC just came out with the results of a huge nationwide survey of those over 18 years of age. 40.9% had some adverse mental or behavioral health condition. 13.3% had started or increased substance abuse due to the pandemic and their confinement. 10.7% had had some suicidal ideation in the past thirty days.

All of these major alterations in their young lives, for what? I ask again, “For What? What are they going to gain here? . . . Basically nothing!

The IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) for those in the 20-49 year old age range, according to a Swiss study is 0.0092% ( i.e. 9.2 people out of 100,000 in this age group will die if they catch Covid) [FYI: In the 10-19 age group ( ~high school kids) the IFR is 0.00032%, meaning that 3.2 out of a million will die if they get COVID-19.]

Looking at this from yet another angle . . . where in the COVID vaccination priority list will these young people will be? My guess, Last!! And again, why should 40.9% of young people have the above noted significant issues because they are virtually locked up? What is the upside?

Perhaps, the upside, will be that many of these young individuals will in fact get Covid as a result of these”unlawful” assemblies. If this were to happen, good, as it would be another step toward herd immunity, which is the best way to ultimately get out of this mess.

If Karen and Ken do not approve of these young people getting together and having fun, tough titty. Stay inside!

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