Nuff Said

Recently I was sent an article about a survey that was dealing with “presidential greatness.” Who and why would someone send me the results of such a survey? For starters the person who sent this to me, let’s call him, Jim, is a great guy . . . a hard working, smart, family man who, by the way, is very liberal . . . or perhaps, more precisely very very uber liberal. Based on Jim’s political persuasion what do you think that this survey about “presidential greatness” showed? (A hint – President Trump was not at the top of the list!) Nuff said !

Now even though Jim is a bright guy, I doubt that he did any research about who wrote the article, in which esteemed publication it was published, who participated in this “greatness” survey, and what were their political leanings.

Interestingly, the article describing the survey was from 2/18/18, and so the survey was obviously done prior to that time. In January, 2018 President Trump had been in office for one year. (I considered listing here all of Trump’s first year accomplishments, but I have enumerated them before, and in a more practical sense, I am limited here to 1,000 words or less!)
The article to which Jim was referring was from The Daily Beast. This is the same Daily Beast that “merged” with Newsweek in 2010. Nuff said !
The author was Emily Shugerman. No, I had never heard of her, so I looked up some of the titles of her other outstanding Daily Beast articles over the past month. (One was, “Moonlite Burning Ranch Brothel Owner Dennis Hof Divides Sex Workers, Even in Death.” Another was, “Home Abortion Hotline Pledges to Help Women Navigate the Law.”) Nuff said. Ms. Shugerman who is Daily Beast’s “gender reporter’ proudly proclaimed on her Twitter account in 2017, “I am a revolutionary . . . “ Nuff said !
Next I went to the actual 2018 Presidents & Executive Presidential Greatness Survey.
In this survey there was a response rate of only 53.1%. Does a response rate of only a bit over 50% say anything about the accuracy of the results of the survey? Nuff said !
32.5% of the responders identified themselves as liberal, whereas only 5.4% identified themselves as conservative. Likewise 57.2% were Democrats and 12.7% were Republican. Does this say anything about the fair and balanced nature of this survey? Nuff said !  (My guess is that the respondents were most likely college professors in which case the proportions and ratios of the respondents may be an accurate reflexion of that mileau.)
As if I needed any more info about this survey, there were some amazing responses concerning Barack Houssein Obama. He was judged to be the 8th greatest president of all time, up from #18 on the last survey four years ago! But even more amazing was the response to the question of which president should be next on Mt. Rushmore . . . Obama was #2 on this list! Wow!! Do I need to say, “Nuff said” again?
(FYI: The respondents to this survey put President Trump last on this list!)
At this point I would like to thank Jim for educating me on the subject of “presidential greatness.” Perhaps the next survey he should send me the results of could ask the question: “Which is the greatest baseball team of all time?” . . . asked only to the residents of Boston! The results would probably be as accurate and dependable as those of this “presidential greatness” survey!
Nuff said!

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