Novel ?

The novel corona virus situation is not eliciting  a novel response from the Democrats. Chuck Schumer was bloviating against President Trump from the beginning. Excuse my French, but he is truly a 3D Democrat . . . Disingenuous, Despicable, and Disgusting . . . and here I am only using comparatively nice words to describe that pompous P.O.S. Here we are at the beginning of a potentially dangerous problem, and all Schumer can do is play politics.President Trump appointed Vice President Pence to be in charge of coordinating the response to this problem. The VPOTUS said, “The president said to me, look, I want you to reach out to the Republican and Democratic leadership. Because we want to push politics aside, we want to make sure that we get the resources that we need to respond to this, to make sure the CDC, all of our agencies, have the support that they need.”Supposedly in a phone call with Pence, Speaker Pelosi  ripped Pence as unequipped to manage the federal government’s response. Nancy Pelosi is indeed just another 3D Democrat . . . disgraceful, detestable, disreputable . . . again I am trying to use relatively nice words to describe her.For once could either Schumer or Pelosi support bipartisan efforts address this corona virus situation? I guess the answer to that question is becoming self-evident. However when one stops and thinks about the present political situation, their recalcitrant and obstructive behavior should not be surprising. Despicable and disgraceful ? . . . Yes! Surprising ? . . . No!At the present time the Democrats are in chaos. Sanders is leading, and those “in the know”  realize that he will have a very difficult time beating President Trump in a general election. Biden, although he is recovering from his horrific start, is still a faux-pas machine, spitting them out faster all the time . . .  the latest was that when elected, he was going to appoint a black woman as a Senator . . . OMG! Bloomberg appears to have a lot things in his closet, like multiple non-disclosure agreements, and if he cowers against Warren at a debate, what would happen to him when he had to be on the debate stage with President Trump. Warren is apparently hoping for a Co tested Convention, as the people do not like her.Anyway the Dems realize that they are in trouble in 2020. It is not hard to imagine them thinking . . . what could be better than a tanking economy, a retreating stock market, etc. So what if IRAs get hit hard. So what if a few people die with this novel corona virus, or better yet, if more than just a few get sick and die? Trump must go down, and if there are some innocent casualties along the way . . . so be it!

Let’s hope that this novel corona virus turns out to be less of an issue than is presently being predicted . . . for the good of the country!

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