Not Democrats

President Trump spent two days this past week in India. When he arrived in Ahmedabad, in western part of the country, he was greeted by folk dancers, percussionists, an flutists. I would guess that they were not Democrats.

Next he went from the airport to a stadium. This eight mile route was lined with thousands of spectators, singing and waving a myriad of welcoming signs and banners. I think it is safe to assume that these throngs of people were not Democrats! When he arrived at the filled 110,000-seat stadium, he was greeted by more pure energy. Nearly everyone was wearing baseball caps inscribed with a probable Indian version of MAGA, “Namaste Trump!” Again this enthusiastic crowd . . . probably not Democrats!

The Rolling Stones, Elton John, and the Beatles were played wherever he went, just like at Trump’s political rallies. Someone, probably not a Democrat, had done his homework to make our President feel at home.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Trump agreed to a number small agreements and their interaction was overwhelmingly cordial. It was obvious that the Indian Prime Minister was neither a Pelosi nor a Schumer . . . thank God!!

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