Not a Coincidence !

For a while I have been thinking, “What a coincidence! All of these bizarre leftist things and woke etiology all happening at the same time.” I thought like that until I recently read “Laying Siege to the Institutions” on Imprimis by Christopher Rufo. ( For those of you not acquainted with Imprimis, 

it is a monthly conservative publication on a variety of topics from Hillsdale College.)

Mr. Rufo states that none of what is happening today is coincidence. He thinks that what is happening today is because of what has happened to our institutions since the 1960s. The 1960s saw the rise of new and radical etiologies in America that now seem commonplace. The leftist dreamers did not succeed in the 60s, but they settled on a more sophisticated strategy – waging a revolution not of the proletariat but of the elites, specifically of the knowledge elites by taking control of education and culture. For the last 50+ years the focus has been on “capturing the culture” via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media.

In other words, you what we see happening today is a culmination of 50+ years of effort by those on the left. The deas of the 1960s have been repackaged and injected into American life at the institutional level. Young children being subjected to CRT with the backing of elitist left -leaning school boards … all planned, not a coincidence!

In his article, Mr. Rufo devotes a lot of time to the Walt Disney Company. He contends and has been reporting for more than a year that Disney has been pushing CRT on their employees, and that certain Disney producers have been inserting “a not so secret gay agenda” into children’s programming, targeting kids as young as two years old. A production coordinator at Disney has also created a tracking program to make sure that the company was including enough transgender, non-binary, and sexual characters. And a diversity and inclusion manager at Disney has talked about doing away with terms such as “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” at Disney theme parks.

All of these things and much more are part of a preplanned agenda, and are not occurring by coincidence. Watch out, America!


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