“No me importa!”

Sometimes when there is an overwhelming issue that is the main news issue of the day, I feel compelled to comment on it. However, with respect to the latest newsy issue, I feel no such compulsion … in other words, “no me importa!”

The following is a tweet from Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on 5/20/22:

“After numerous attempts to speak with Speaker Pelosi to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, an the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

Again … “no me importa!”

Nancy Pelosi is a resident of San Francisco which is the same territory overseen by Archbishop Cordileone. As each bishop has authority over his diocese in this matter, he finally acted after Ms. Pelosi has basically ignored his warnings. Cordileone has been outspoken on the issue of politicians and their support of abortion. He has advocated that politicians who openly support abortion be refused Communion.

To my way of thinking, support or non-support of abortion is a personal and private matter. Whether John Doe supports abortion or not … I could care less (no me importa), as this is between Mr. Doe and his God. However, to me the situation with politicians is quite different as there is a huge difference between personally supporting abortion, like John Doe, and advocating abortion like Nancy Pelosi and other self-proclaimed Catholic politicians, including Joe Biden. 

To me, Ms. Pelosi has a decision to make. However, I will not wait with bated breath for that moment as I am fairly certain that Ms. Pelosi cannot and will not outwardly change her stance on this issue. However with the risk of repeating myself … “ no me importa!”


144 Replies to ““No me importa!””

  1. I think abortion is a barbaric procedure which kills a miracle. This is not a religious belief.

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