Nikks To Her

In late February I received a mailer from Nikki Haley, the ex-UN Ambassador, asking for a contribution. Now keep in mind that this was shortly after the ex-Governor of South Carolina’s interview with Politico, in which she blasted Mr. Trump. Prior to that interview I had thought that Ms. Haley was a potential up-and-comer in the Republican Party. After that interview, not so much. That interview told me that she does not have enough common political sense to run for a higher office.

First of all, an interview with Politico! Everyone knows that Politico is a left-leaning publication. Did she think they were going to play nice-nice with her, an apparent conservative? To me it should have been obvious to her that Politico was either going to try to either trap her or make her say something politically damaging to her future political career. 

Enticing a Republican to say something nasty about a fellow Republican is commonly used adage out of the Democratic playbook.

Note to Nikki Haley . . . You fell for it. They succeeded in trashing your political future. As I wrote back in response to your request for money, “Not only will I not give you any money, but I will also never vote for you.” (Basically, nix to her.)

I was hoping that Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, would be a future up-and-comer in the Republican Party, but her latest stumble occurred on 3/19 when she issued a “style and form” veto against a bill to protect fairness in women’s sports.

From PJ Media:

“She claimed she supports the bill but urged alterations that arguably “neutered” the legislation. This week, Noem has vociferously defended her action, claiming that she had to weaken the bill in order to win the longer-term battle against woke activists who would have issued powerful boycotts against South Dakota had she signed the legislation.”

To give her the benefit of the doubt, perhaps Gov. Noem does have some long term plan, but let’s just hope that she does not get sucked into a Politico interview and hope that she does fustigate the four other Republican governors in Idaho, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas, who have already signed similar legislation.

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