News Flash !

News flash! A source of mine just tweeted me about an impeachment scoop that he has:

“Overheard convo between two Democratic Senators who only watch MSNBC . . . ‘This stuff is surreal! I have heard all of this nonsense before. I thought it was all about something that actually happened. Half the stuff Schiff is saying isn’t true; we’re up sh*t’s creek. Hope the White House hasn’t got any more evidence.'”

When I spoke privately with my source, he told me about an additional confidential conversation between two Democratic Senators. He swore me to secrecy, so let’s just refer to them as Senator A and Senator B. Their exchange apparently went something like this:

Senator A: “This is crazy. We have to spend all day and half the night here . . . for what? Schiff, or as he wants to be called “Mister Impeachment Manager, Sir,” likes to hear himself talk. He spoke for almost three hours in his opening statement! Between you and I, his voice is one mere baby step above fingernails on a chalk board. I don’t know which is worse, Schiff’s voice or Jerry Nadler’s voice. When Jerry talks, he tends to drone on and on and on, and when he expounds, I tend to fall asleep. In fact I have programmed my phone to vibrate every five minutes, while Jerry is talking. After all, I don’t want the T.V. cameras to catch me sleeping. I should be out on the campaign trail. I should be in Iowa or New Hampshire today, tomorrow, and yesterday! Biden is out there campaigning while I am trapped here. Even I can’t figure out whether or not Nancy wants him to be called as a witness or not. Certainly both “Mister Impeachment Manager, Sir” and Jerry are taking their marching orders from Nancy. For sure, I know that Jerry is not smart enough to actually devise, much less carry out any plan. If there is a hell, it could well be something similar to being forced to sitting through this so-called trial! 

Senator B: “Quit complaining! You do not have to go out on the campaign trail in your state this year, as you are not up for reelection in 2020. I am going to be forced to defend my vote to convict the President Trump of . . . of something! I have actually forgotten exactly what President Trump is presently being charged with, as Nancy and “Mister  Impeachment Manager, Sir” seem to keep moving the target. The voters in my district think that this whole thing is a waste of time, but Nancy insists that we all vote for conviction, or else! At times I think that I am just a sacrificial lamb – my future political career being sacrificed for the good of the team! “Master Impeachment Manager, Sir” just insulted just about every American voter when he declared, ‘The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box. For we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.’ OMG, I am going to have to explain that insane statement to those in my district during my reelection campaign! ‘Cannot be decided at the ballot box,’ WTF!” On the positive side maybe most voters are not aware of this debacle. Most Americans are not watching. The first day had only 9 million viewers, compared to the Mueller report which garnered a then disappointing 13 million viewers, or the 20 million viewers for the Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. With a little luck most of the constituents in my district will be among the disinterested, won’t be watching, and won’t hold it against me.”

A second news flash!

I just got another tweet from my source. Apparently he made up the original “overheard convo!” 

BTW, my secret source is Joe Lockhart, a CNN political commentator!

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