My New Hero !

I have a new hero . . . err, actually I have two new heroes one male and one female. One recently stood up for what she believed . . . in American Revolution-like language, “she stood firm again tyranny!”

Her name is Shelley Luther, the hairdresser in Dallas who had re-opened her hair salon in defiance of the lockdown. She did it, because she had a family to feed as did her employees. In addition she publicly ripped up a cease-and-desist from a county judge and ignored a temporary restraining order from a district judge. She then was brought before that district judge. She refused to recant or apologize for “trying to feed her family.” She had always been a law-abiding American who felt responsible for all of her employees who also had families to feed. When she had re-opened she had abided by the other rules, like the wearing of masks, and limiting how many people could be inside. The district judge fined her and sentenced her to seven days in jail.

Good for Shelley Luther for standing up for her principles!

“Booo, hiss!” for that district judge.

My second hero is Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, who then issued a revised executive order, which allowed Shelley Luther to get out of jail. 

He said, “Throwing Texans in jail who have had their businesses shut down through no fault of their own is nonsensical, and I will not allow it to happen!”

Wow! A government official who uses common sense. 

Hooray for the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott!

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