Morning-After Remorse ?

After my most recent blog on Thanksgiving, I took some heat for saying that one of the things that I was thankful for was “that Donald Trump was the president.” I happened to be in the same room as my daughter while she was reading my Thanksgiving blog. When she came to the Trump line, she gasped and looked directly at me . . . although perhaps with a slight smirk on her face.  Later on when her mother-in-law came over for dinner, she also expressed surprise at my frankness about my feelings concerning our president. Likewise, when I posted my Thanksgiving blog on Facebook, I got a comment of ‘OMG’!

I guess I am a little bewildered at the “shock and awe” of my expressing my true feelings about being grateful that Donald Trump was elected.. Should I have “morning-after remorse” about my Thanksgiving comments?

Let’s think about that for a bit.

On Thanksgiving specifically (and quite graciously) I did not mention that I was especially thankful that his opponent was not elected, and did not even mention his opponent, Hillary Clinton, by name. Up through last week, October 2016’s “president in waiting” was still whining about the election. In an interview with Mother Jones magazine she stated that she wants the legitimacy of Trump’s victory investigated!

Investigated!! . . . By whom??

Legitimacy!! . . . He was born in the U.S.A.

Wow! It’s been over a year, and still she cannot come to grips with her defeat. She still contends that Russian interference and voter suppression both dramatically affected the outcome. Imagine her as our country’s leader! I am very grateful that she is not!

BTW an old Clinton modus-operandi is to go on the offense when potential “bad stuff” comes to light, and so perhaps the timing of the whining and the moaning is not really surprising as her name is being mentioned more and more in the news lately – and not in a favorable way.                                         Recently there has been a lot of potential Hillary “bad stuff”:

Comey’s non-investigation charade into her inappropriate email server, etc is now back in the news as it appears that Comey wrote out his decision long before the “investigation” was near complete.

Her potential involvement in the Uranium One scandal is also now getting fresh legs much to the chagrin of both Bill Clinton and Mrs. Clinton.

Ex-DNC Chairwoman, Donna Brazile’s revealing book (about how Mrs. Clinton and her cronies basically cheated Bernie Sanders out of any chance at the Democratic presidential nomination) is a disgrace to the Democratic Party.

Just imagine if all of this recent “bad stuff” about Hillary was to have occurred when she was in the White House. How do you spell “t-o-t-a-l  c-h-a-o-s”!

So to reiterate, even on the morning after:                                                                            “I am so thankful that Donald Trump is the president . . . and Hillary Clinton is not.”



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