More Good News!

I would suppose that everyone thought that I was referring to President Trump taking a ride outside around Walter Reed Hospital to wave to his supporters who had been gathered on the streets outside the military hospital. He was outside of the facility for perhaps five or ten minutes, and predictably the liberal left went bat-shit . . . concerned about the secret service riding in the cat with him. The agents in the vehicle with Trump were reportedly wearing protective gear including N-95 masks and gowns over their clothing. Although not publicized yet, I would bet that all of the agents in the car had volunteered. If I was a s-s agent, I would have eagerly volunteered.

However, the Trump Motorcade was not the good news to which I was referring. Apparently the NBA played the second game of something, but that is not the good news . . . the good news is that game two of the NBA Finals had horrific TV ratings when the Lakers beat the Heat.

According to Outkick, the game only averaged 4.5 million viewers on ABC this past Friday night, which is a huge drop from the 7.41 million viewers game one got. To make matters worse, it’s also the least-watched NBA Finals game on record, according to the same Outkick report.

Perhaps a rhetorical question, but why? … Could it be because the politicization of the NBA has completely turned off any fans? . . . Duh! 

If I were an NBA enthusiast, I would hope that this series only goes four games just to save the league further embarrassment. However whether I do not watch four games or I do not watch all seven games . . . no me importa!

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