Me, My Grandchildren, and Covid

The question that comes up is: “Should I visit with my grandchildren?”

And then comes the following:

Does it matter if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated ?

Does it matter if I am vaccinated or unvaccinated ?

Does it matter how old they are ?

Does it matter how old I am ?

Basically this comes down to one’s mindset in playing the odds. If your modus operandi is to avoid taking even the tiniest of risk, then the obvious answer is to avoid everybody, including grandchildren, irrespective of their ages.

In my past I enjoyed playing poker, which is a game where odds are very important.(what are the odds of drawing to an inside straight? Is that better or worse than drawing to a four-flush? Etcetera.) In poker, if you consistently play the odds, you have a reasonable chance of winning. 

Might the question of, “should I visit my grandchildren,” come down to the odds. For the record, both my wife and I are fully vaccinated, and likewise all of my grandchildren are also vaccinated except for the 4 year old and the 6 year old.

From the New York Times:

Here are hospitalization rates by both age and vaccination status in King County, Wash., which includes Seattle and releases some of the country’s most detailed Covid data:

-0.41 hospitalizations per 100,000 people in those 65 and older (fully vaccinated)

-0.06 hospitalizations per 100,000 people in those ages 5-11 (unvaccinated)

-0.18 hospitalizations per 100,000 people in ages 12-15 (unvaccinated) 

-minuscule hospitalizations per 100,000 in those ages 12-17 (vaccinated)

Truth be told, I have detailed the odds of severe Covid in the pertinent age groups for the benefit of my hesitant older readers. Me? … I’m all-in with my grandchildren, no matter what the odds … in fact within the last two days, I have seen seven of them !


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