Mandatory Vaccinations … “Aye Aye, Sir”

The other day President Biden was in a rage about those who are not getting vaccinated. … (Such bad people!!) So he then mandated vaccines for a whole bunch of individuals, and his spokesperson stated that OSHA is going to be taking a “very close look” at those who are claiming an exemption to J.B’s unconstitutional dictate.

For some, is it possible that the cure (forced vaccination) can be worse than the disease?

The three situations that I will be detailing here are not fabricated. Should these individuals be forced to get either the first dose, the second dose, or a booster vaccine? Is this a legitimate question to be asked to both President Biden and to OSHA?

The first situation involves a city policeman. His pension’s vesting is getting close. Recently he had Covid … the real deal, in bed, off work for a week with the accompanying positive Covid test. Now what rational person would say that he now needs a Covid vaccine? J.B says so! (Oops, my mistake, as I did specify rational!)

This documented policeman’s situation is interesting because refusing to be vaccinated could indeed put his pension at risk. Approximately 90 percent of San Diego police officers expressed opposition to coronavirus vaccine mandates, while according to a survey, 65 percent of officers stated that they would mull resigning from the force if the city imposed such requirement,

The second situation involves someone who is tangentially involved in health-care (only works on computers – no patient contacts), and thus his full vaccination is mandated. Interestingly, he has also had a documented case of Covid months ago, but because his vaccination is mandated, he just got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine … it knocked him on his ass! (“I felt much worse after the jab than I did when I had Covid.”) The question here is whether he should go ahead and get his second dose in a few weeks when it is due … the answer is, “yes,” if he wishes to keep his job.

The third situation involves a health care worker who was one of the first to be vaccinated way back in January. On the night of her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, she had significant side effects. Nonetheless, a few weeks later she got the second dose. Months later, the exact same symptoms as she had after the initial jab recurred, but much much worse. Presently, on medication, she is doing better, although not perfect. When boosters are mandated for health care workers, should she get the booster?

To me these three different situations point out that “the one size fits all”of J.B.’s mandates are unwise, and appear purely political. To me these three individuals  clearly warrant exemptions as “the cure” is potentially worse than the disease. However, according to J.B., all three should “beware” as big brother OSHA will be “looking very closely.”

But it gets worse, as J.B’s vindictiveness is once again rising to the top as not only is he ordering all military personnel to get the vaccine … no exceptions, but any individual who does not get the vaccine will be discharged, dishonorably! 

If in the military, in all three cases described above (in which getting the vaccine is either not needed) or has increased risk, each of these individuals would receive a dishonorable discharge! With this one vindictive statement J.B. has set military recruiting back at least a decade … especially in those ethnic groups that have more unvaccinated individuals.


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