Making the Situation Worse ?

For those who are consistent readers of my opinion pieces, you are aware that I have been very dubious of the supposed benefits of facemasks. To me it has always been about the theoretical benefit of facemask wearing in experiments versus the benefit of facemaks in the real world. All one has to do is to observe the way individuals actually wear facemasks in public to realize that a lot of people either wear them incorrectly or the facemask that an individual wears is far, far from adequate in providing anything close to an airtight seal.

Could it be that facemasks in certain situations provide a false sense of security to society in general? For a while it was “it’s okay to be out and about as long as everyone is wearing a facemask.” How well has that worked? 

Now to the real reason for this piece … could it be that Covid vaccinations are doing something similar to what I think masks have done?

Vaccination mandates are becoming commonplace, and they are increasing, but Covid has not disappeared. Could it be that Covid vaccinations are providing a false sense of security to the general public?

Two recent things that I have read make me wonder if widespread vaccinations could in fact be making things worse. 

First in my 10/2/21 piece I commented on a recent study from UC Davis in which the viral load was no different in symptomatic versus asymptomatic individuals with a positive Covid test. Likewise there was no difference in the viral load in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated individuals – both groups with a positive Covid test. So does it make sense to mandate vaccinations if the viral loads in the vaccinated are the same as those in the non vaccinated? Could it be that limiting restaurants, theaters, etc. only to those who are vaccinated is actually just providing a false sense of security? “We are all safe here because we are all vaccinated.”

Second, as is now obvious to everyone, the vaccines are leaking, meaning that the further out from vaccination, the less effective the vaccines are.

For those unfamiliar with leaky vaccine syndrome, read this important 2015 PBS article about the leaky chicken vaccine for Marek’s disease. The article explains how a leaky chicken vaccine was able to make this devastating virus among chickens both more transmissible and more virulent, bucking the micro-evolutionary phenomenon that forces the two factors to work inversely.

The article explains how a leaky vaccine that only ameliorates symptoms for the vaccinated chickens allows the virus to become more virulent and spread more widely in live hosts. In the case of the Marek’s disease vaccine, it devastated all of the unvaccinated chickens who were innocent bystanders.

I can hear most of you thinking something along the lines of “chickens, smickens … be real! That was in chickens!”

But there are some strange presently unexplainable things happening.

Take Florida, for example: With a very high senior vaccination rate, especially in places like Miami, it had a 94% increase in deaths this August over last August.

Also Wales with 92% of adults vaccinated, is experiencing its worst outbreak ever. Wales has a mask mandate and 92% of everyone over 16 is at least partially vaccinated…so why are cases the highest they’ve ever been? The numbers of new cases there now surpassing the prior record which occurred during the mid December, 2020 peak.

From Blaze:

“A Harvard researcher could not find any correlation between vaccination rates and COVID case rates after examining 68 countries and 2,947 counties in the United States. “At the country-level, there appears to be no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days,” concluded the authors in the study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. “In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”

How many breakthrough cases are there in the U.S. ?

Curiously, the exact number of breakthrough cases, in fact, is not even known. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped tracking that data in May. The agency has continued, however, to track hospitalizations and deaths among the fully vaccinated crowd.

I’ll conclude with the following: 

Could it be that those things that ‘those who know best’ tell us are beneficial … first masks and now mandatory vaccinations … are actually making the situation worse?


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