Lockdowns, Schools – “<£~#/#”

Those “in the know” (the experts!) told us initially that we had to lockdown for a few weeks to stem the tide against the coronavirus. That was a year ago, and I am now just starting go back to my gym. So much for that “lockdown for two weeks” line of poppycock. (I was tempted to use <£~#/#, another more descriptive term, but this is a family blog.)

However, none of these so-called experts have talked about the general state of unhealthiness that plagues our citizens, because of these prolonged lockdowns.

The following stats are from Freedom Wire:

According by to the survey from the American Psychological Association, a whopping 42% of Americans gained weight during the forced lockdowns… with the average being a knee-wobbling 29 pounds!

Almost 25% of the adults surveyed admitted to drinking more alcohol to help them cope with the many stresses of the pandemic, and those figures SOARED with parents of school-aged children, jumping up to 52%.

Almost half of all parents—a staggering 48%—also said they are more stressed than they were prior to the pandemic, with challenges of unemployment and remote learning being among the biggest stressors.

These aforementioned health related issues are factors that contribute to the rising rates of suicide in both children and adults.

I could go on with the increased drug abuse and homelessness which can be traced to prolonged lockdowns. Nonetheless Dr. Fauci is continuing to warn us of possible impending doom, and our President (Joe the ‘unifier’) is calling those who are opening up their states, “Neanderthals.” (“Strong work on that ‘let’s all come together’ concept, Joe, you <£~#/#.”)

Kids going to school is another issue. Most of my grandkids are either doing Zoom school from home, or some form of hybridization, which involved very limited hours of actually being in the classroom. Finally the CDC appears to be coming around to using common sense in its recommendations . . . the latest being reducing the acceptable social distancing in schools to three feet so as to be more in line with The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) from January 5, 2021, which  also has a recommendation of 3 ft, since “in many school settings, 6 feet between students is not feasible without drastically limiting the number of students.” Why has it taken the CDC so long?

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended a distance of 1 meter, which is 3.3 feet. These recommendations appear on a WHO Q&A dated from September 18, 2020.  NOTE: This is from September, 2020. Why has it taken the CDC so long? . . . <£~#/#!

Still as of today, the nation’s second-largest teachers union sent a two-page letter to the Biden administration on Tuesday questioning the decision to reduce the recommended social distancing in schools to three feet between students.

This change to three feet is supported by lots and lots of data, including data from the many schools that have been safely open for months – But the union says they “are not convinced” by any of it. They are the ultimate  <£~#/#!

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