Linkage and Non-Linkage

“Well my mom ‘n papa told me, son, you gotta make some money
If you want to use the car to go ridin’ next Sunday
Well I didn’t go to work, told the boss I was sick
Now you can’t use the car ’cause you didn’t work a lick.”

Perhaps some of us seniors can recall that these lyrics are from the song, “Summertime Blues,” written and performed by Eddie Cochran in 1958. The original rockabilly rendition peaked at #8 on Billboard Hot 100, and later “Summertime Blues” was a #1 country hit for Alan Jackson. This song was also performed by a myriad of other groups including The Beach Boys and The Who.
What the lyrics clearly outline is the following logical sequence: Faking sickness led to no work which led to no money which led to not being able to use the car on Sunday.
The reason that I bring up this song is because the lyrics clearly demonstrate the concept of what I call, “linkage,” which is the somewhat ubiquitous concept that things that at first glance seem unrelated are, if you think about it, often related. (Here for example “faking sickness during the week” and “not being able to use the car on Sunday.” Obviously related and linked.)
This concept of “linkage” should be common sense, but sadly, as most of us are aware, common sense is sadly lacking especially among those on the left, and thus we end up with “non-linkage.” For example, this concept of “non-linkage” is one of the reasons the Obama/Kerry’s Iran Nuclear Deal was such a foolhardy exercise.
Imagine: “Even though your word has not been good in the past, we will take your word that you are going to stop doing A. In addition we will give you a ton of money, and trust that you will not use this to extend your support for state sponsored terrorist groups, like Hezbollah, Hamas, and the rebels in Yemen. Even though we realize that you spend a lot of your resources supporting such terrorist groups, we are not going to link these two things together. . . WTF!! Doesn’t common sense dictate that Iran will cheat, and that a lot of the “ransom money” paid to Iran will be used against our troops or those of our allies? Classic Non-Linkage!
Here in California one of the major problems is the unaffordability of housing with the median price of a home being $565,000. So of course what’s the first thing those on the left try to do to try to remedy this problem? Obviously the illogical leftist thing to do is to make new houses even more expensive! So in a classic non-linkage way, last week a five member board of the unelected California Energy Commission ruled 5-0 that staring on January 1, 2020 all new houses will have to be fitted with solar panels. From the Washington Free Beacon it is estimated that this will add $8000-12,000 to the cost of new houses, and will cut emissions in the state by only 0.32% over 3 years compared to 2015! . . . WTF!!
Questions for the lefties on the California Energy Commission:
Won’t this just raise the cost of new houses? “Err . . . Yes.”
If new houses become more expensive, isn’t it likely that this will make all houses more expensive? “Err . . . Probably.”
If housing affordability is already a big problem for many who live in California isn’t this new edict just going to worsen this situation? “Err . . . Yes.”
Classic Non-Linkage!

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