Letter to MLB Commissioner

To Commissioner Manfred,

I am an avid sports fan but last year I boycotted all sports because of the disrespect shown to our country, flag and law enforcement. I attend sporting events as an escape from the contentious politics in our face every day and everywhere. It’s sad and sickening to me that you have inserted mlb in a political debate but let us look at the bright side.

Congrats for removing the All-Star game from the mostly black city of Atlanta to the lily-white city of Denver (who btw have even more restrictive voter regulations than GA). Some might say you are an UNCONSCIOUS RACIST but, in your defense, as we are told daily, all whites are privileged and racist. As Obama said, “Racism is in our DNA”. So do not listen to the critics…. it is not your fault. Just tell them that requiring voter ID is “Jim Crow” as s poor, dumb, helpless blacks cannot figure out how to get an ID. Noblesse oblige is alive and well reminiscent of the Pharisees virtue signaling. On the bright side I am sure this posturing lessens your white guilt and keeps race baiter Rev. Sharpton at bay …. nice job.

Thank you for letting me join with you in the “woke cancel culture.”. It is obvious systematic racism is rampant and it prevents blacks from doing the simplest tasks in life but why stop there? Remember Bernie brilliantly offered more unrestricted voting rights for felons, terrorist, murderers, rapist and child molesters. Then not to be out done the leftist Dems recently tried to pass a bill to allow 16-year-old to vote. I think you would agree we NEVER want to restrict a person’s right to vote so let us make it open to anyone (legal or not) at any age. Just mail those ballots in. Just think of the potential for MLB to force compliance to any restriction or law they do not like by threatening to move the franchise. Nice job I think your wokeness has hit on something big.

Now to my situation. Because of you I have joined the “Woke Cancel Culture” allow me to explain …. I’ve been a lifelong baseball fan but because of you, I will no longer take my family, including grandkids to MLB games…CANCELLED!!!

I will NEVER watch another All-Star game if you are the Comish …. Cancelled!!!

So Comish I must thank you for saving me time and money…. the woke cancel culture is now alive and well in my life …. Mission accomplished.



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