Let’s Pretend

Let’s pretend that you voted for Joe Biden. I know! I know that you probably didn’t, but play along for just a bit. Prior to last week you were probably having some difficulty sticking up for your guy, but at least he wasn’t a mean tweeter. There were some things that were occurring, but you could always change the subject and respond  … “but can you prove it!”

The following were just some of the issues that you, as Biden supporters, were faced with:

-Inflation going up in leaps and bounds for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of all the government money that was pouring into the economy, and the trillions being spent by our Democratic Congress. I am going to go out on a limb here … but since you did vote for Joe, you probably neither understand nor care about inflation.

-Our wide open southern border with thousands upon thousands of who knows what coming into our country. This might be a bit tougher for you to explain especially when they are bringing in more Covid at a time of increasing Covid hospitalizations and deaths. However, being fervent Biden supporters, you can rationalize that these illegals will be a Democratic voting bloc for years to come.

-Increasing gas prices … their response, “err, it happens just about every year or three or four.”

But now comes the real tough issue … namely Afghanistan. 

Where to start? As a Biden voter, can you explain why the U.S evacuated the Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night, without letting the Afghanies know? Why was this not the last thing to do in order to choreograph any common sense sort of leaving?  … Their response, “Oops, a minor miscalculation.”

Can you explain why J.B. did not inform our NATO allies as to what was happening? … “

Their response, “They probably did not want to be involved.”

What about the leaving behind of American citizens or those that helped us while we were there. … Their response, “The Taliban has promised that they won’t harm them.”

What about the leaving behind of billions of dollars of military equipment so that the Taliban can now use these weapons against anybody. … Tneir response, “An innocent mistake. It probably slipped someone’s mind.”

What about the deaths of the eleven Marines, the one Army soldier and the one Navy medic outside the entrance to the chaotic Kabul Airport? How do you Biden voters not feel somewhat responsible for the deaths of these young men? …

Their response, “I did not ever vote for the man responsible for these deaths, as certainly these unfortunate deaths are Trump’s fault. Excuse me, now I have some important business to attend to.”



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