Let’s Be Clear

Once again as usual, let’s start out with “let’s be clear” . . . I still get my local “newspaper” for basically two reasons . . . to do the Sunday crossword puzzle and to read about the local college football and basketball teams. I do not continue to subscribe to it to read their slanted news coverage.

Once a week they have a section called, “Your Say,” where they have local community members write short essays on a topic. This weeks topic for discussion . . . Are you ready for this? . . . “The G.O.P.’s Future.” (When I read this, I had a hard time stopping my coffee from coming out my nose! – but I recovered!)

There were five essays, and excerpts of each are cited below. In summary, the whole concept was a joke, as it is a very liberal “paper” with an extremely liberal editorial board choosing essays from selected readers. Again let’s be clear, these printed essays were the encapsulated desired projection of the future of the GOP from the liberal editorial board of the “newspaper.”

For the sake of brevity I will point out some illustrative excerpts from these five essays, so that everyone will realize how fatuous this endeavor was.

#1 – Republicans Need Some New Leaders and Ideas . . . “Donald Trump must rapidly be removed as a significant source of influence.”

#2 – G.O.P. Must Get Some More Leaders Like Romney . . . “If we want to restore integrity to the Republican Party, we need more leaders like Romney and less like Trump.”

#3 – The GOP Can’t Just Be the Party of Division . . . “Callousness has always been a part of the modern Republican Party.”

#4 – Following Trump Will Just Cost the GOP More Races . . . “As a Democrat I am pleased that”, etc. etc. etc. “The center of the problem is Donald Trump.”

#5 – True Conservatives Must Find a New Home . . . “The base Republican Party, AKA Donald Trump’s Party, is a rabble of anarchism and authoritarianism.”

Now once again, let’s be clear. I still am a big Trump fan. I firmly believe that this past election was stolen by various nefarious means. After reading these trite selected essays, I have concluded that either there are no Republicans in my county (not likely), or no pro-DJT Republicans submitted an essay (even less likely), or perhaps there are no local Republicans that still read this “newspaper” (Increasingly likely all the time).

Finally, let’s be clear one final time:

My take on this puerile attempt at telling Republicans what they should now be thinking and doing means that a lot of somebodies (RINOs, Democrats, and liberal “newspapers”) are terrified of Mr. Trump

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