“Let the Bidding Start!”

When I was a kid, I used to dream about bidding and then winning an auction. Last night I had a similar type of dream that mixed auction bidding and the present USAID debacle. It went something like this, as this auction was about finding something more atrocious than the last expenditure.

Auctioneer: “Let the bidding start”:

$32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru.

$47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia,

$70,000 for a DEI musical in Ireland,

$1 million to help disabled people in Tajikistan become “climate leaders…”

$1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia,

$2 million for sex changes in Guatemala,

4.5 million to combat disinformation in Kazakhstan

6 million to fund tourism in Egypt

20 million on a new Sesame Street show in Iraq

$60.8 million of U.S. “family planning funds,” which were used to purchase contraception and condoms abroad, shipped mainly to Africa (89 percent)

Auctioneer, “We’ve run out of time! I have a final winner. Even though the dollar amount is not the highest, the USAID audacity here is unbelievable!”
$8M that Politico received from USAID … as Politico is, without a doubt, a propaganda arm of the left.
In total, Politico has received $34.3 million from various swampy federal govt agencies.

“I’m exhausted, however I am certain that there will be more USAID to be auctioned off tomorrow!”