Lemon Picker

A woman decided to earn a little extra money for herself and so she applied for a job picking lemons. At the interview when she was asked if she had any experience picking lemons, she replied, “Oh yes, lots of prior experience. I have always bought Chryslers. I was married and divorced three times. I voted for Obama twice and then Hillary once, and now I am a member of the California Democratic Party’s executive committee.”
The interviewer who initially had been nodding in agreement now had a quizzical expression on his face and said, “I understood and agreed with your lemon picking qualifications until you mentioned your membership in the California Democratic Party’s executive committee. How does that qualify you to pick lemons?”
She responded, “The 217 members of this committee just endorsed state Senator Kevin de León over Dianne Feinstein in the upcoming race for the U.S.Senate, and the fact that I am a proud member of that committee speaks for itself!”
For those of you not familiar with the voting in California, it is what is called a “jungle primary,” in which the top two vote getters in the primary then runoff against each other in the November election, irrespective of their party affiliation. Thus Dianne Feinstein and Kevin de León, both Democrats, will face each other in the November election.
Kevin de León, represents the far left faction of liberals in California. He is aggressively anti-Trump and within the last few days has called for his impeachment. Obviously this kind of position appeals to the far left in California, but in the recent primary Ms. Feinstein won the support of 70% of the state’s Democratic voters! She had 2.1 million more votes than Señor de Leon, and carried each county in California by double digits. Feinstein had 44% of the vote and de León had only 12%. So why would the California Democratic Party endorse an obvious loser in the upcoming November election?
To me the answer is obvious. In California the November election is essentially a non-election. All of the statewide contests are essentially non-contests. The only real issue on the ballot is the repeal of the recently passed Democratic state gas tax increase. This issue alone will bring out the conservatives and the independents in California, who will overwhelmingly vote to repeal this tax. The Democrats need to excite the voters who otherwise might not have any enthusiasm about the candidates, and thus might not turn out to vote. Pitching de León as a viable candidate is a way to try to get the Democrats in California fired up to vote, so in essence they can vote “No” on the gas tax repeal.
However, just as picking lemons in life does not qualify one to pick real lemons off a tree, endorsing Kevin de León will not get out the Democratic vote in November.

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