Leading by Example

Another week and another protest against free speech on campuses. According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, there has been more than 300 attempts since 2000 to disinvite campus speakers. Now if these speakers with whom the left disagrees actually make it on campus, their protests are apt to turn violent – “free speech” be damned. This has occurred at U.C. Berkeley, Middlebury College, Auburn, and potentially again at Berkeley next week.

Yes, U.C.Berkeley, the champion of free speech in the 1960s is now against allowing the free speech of those that do not agree with their political views . . . the 1st Amendment be damned!

These young “students” think that their view is the only acceptable view, and then feel that it is okay to act like anarchists – doing just about anything to keep dissenting speakers from speaking on their campuses. Who are they modeling their bullying behavior after? Are there “adults” that are setting an example for this “my way or the highway” (in California it would be “my way or the freeway”) behavior? Who is teaching them that the Bill of Rights be damned?

For the answer, perhaps we need to look no further than to the California legislature, specifically Sen. Richard Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Rep. Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego). These shining examples are now proposing bullying legislation crafted to punish businesses that are bidding to work on the border wall. Not only would this punish companies and individuals, but it would require California pension funds to divest from companies that work on the wall.

Some legal scholars are asking, “Would this ‘Resist the Wall Act’ be legal?” Would it violate the Commerce Clause and/or the Equal Protection Clause in the U.S. Constitution? Would it violate the Supremacy Clause which makes the Constitution the law of the land?

Are Lara and Gonzalez “leading” by example . . . in effect saying,”The Constitution be damned”?


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