La Verdad . . . No Me Importa

At first I was aghast when I read the following about some politicians on Townhall, “The narrative must be preserved at all costs – even the cost of truth.” Wow! This implies that some do not tell the truth (la verdad), and really do not care (no me importa). Could this be? I started to think about some things that have happened recently.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said, “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct (la verdad), than about being morally right (no me importa).” An isolated example?? . . . not hardly.Stephanie Ruhle, an MSNBC reporter, recently tweeted, “ . . . suggests that Lindsay Graham is being blackmailed by Trump over an extreme secret.” Similarly, Ilhan Omar (D,MN) recently said, “Lots of Americans agree with me that Trump is blackmailing Sen. Lindsay Graham over his sexuality.” A lot of innuendo, but no proof of anything (la verdad ?), but certainly neither cares about veracity (no me importa!).

That same Ilhan Omar came out and slandered the Covington Catholic students at the center of a made-up controversy with false claims . . . another example of no la verdad, without a subsequent apology (¡no me importa!) Not to be topped by Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez warned us earlier this week.”The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change,” and then referred to the Bible as the source of her inside info. (no la verdad). Maxine Waters (D,CA) recently said, “it’s time to go after him; impeachment is about whatever Congress says it is” . . . meaning la verdad, no le importa, as there is no pretense here that truth is of any importance!

Finally Joy Behar from ABC’s The View summed it up concisely when Whoopi Goldberg asked why they kept making the same mistake when they were fooled by the initial short video of the Covington Catholic fake news. Behar said, “Because we are desperate to get Trump out of office.” Finally la verdad, and me importa!

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