Just To Be Clear

For those of you not aware, and this includes myself, Christianity Today (CT) is an evangelical journal that was founded by Billy Graham many years ago. (Just to be clear, the Graham family has not had anything to do with the journal for years.) Anyway CT recently came out with an editorial criticizing President Trump and siding with the Dems for his impeachment.(Just to be clear, Franklin Graham, the son of prominent evangelist, has had nothing to do with CT for years, and has spoken out against the publication and it’s political posturing. In fact Franklin Graham said that his father, Billy Graham, thought that Donald Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation. He also pointed out the Billy Graham voted for Mr. Trump in the last election.)

The editor in chief of CT, Mark Galli, recently penned an editorial which in essence said that President Trump’s actions were “profoundly abnormal,” and the president of CT, Dr. Timothy Dairymple, subsequently agreed with the position of Galli’s editorial. (Just to be clear, this is the same Mr. Galli who in 2016 referred to those who voted for Donald Trump as basically uneducated and blue-collar.) 

Interestingly, while at the gym last week, I glanced at one of the TV screens that happened to be on CNN, and noticed it’s headline “Prominent Christian Group Comes Out in Favor of Impeachment.” (Just to be clear, this was an accident . . . me watching CNN, that is. I merely glanced, but in that one glance knew that if CNN was reporting it, there was something “fake” about that headline.)The response to CT’s editorial position was impressive to say the least, as almost 200 evangelical leaders from across the country penned a letter to CT’s president, Dr. Dairymple. Those who signed the letter made it clear that they were not “far right,” but rather both “Bible-believing Christians “ and “patriotic Americans.” To summarize this response letter it was clear that not only did they disagree with CT, but in fact, they felt quite the opposite as they quoted many of Trump’s policies and beliefs that are pro-Christian. (Just to be clear, I have not seen this response statement from the 200 evangelical leaders mentioned on CNN [just to be even more clear, as stated above, I do not watch CNN, however a friend of mine told me!])

Also my local newspaper has not mentioned the united response from the almost 200 evangelical leaders in support of President Trump (Just to be clear, I cannot recall the last time this paper has said anything supportive of President Trump.)

Just to be clear, I am a rightward leaning patriotic American who although not evangelical, agrees with the 200 evangelical leaders who penned the letter in protest to the audacity of CT. How about you ?

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