Just How Dumb ?

Just how dumb do they think we are? My answer is, “pretty dumb!” I say this because a lot of the garbage that the left peddles is accepted as gospel by a significant portion of the population. Why do those leftist politicians continue to blather on and on? … Simple! It’s because a lot of the dummy-head voters continue to buy what they are selling.

For instance, just last week Stacey Abrams, Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, asserted that fetal heartbeats heard at six weeks are “manufactured sound” intended to give males control over women’s bodies. 

Abrams stated, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

It’s unclear how the heartbeat is actually a “manufactured sound,” as described by Abrams, and who exactly is manufacturing it. Hmmm! Just how dumb does she think we are?

Many scholars, scientists, and doctors agree that an unborn child’s heart typically starts beating around six weeks gestation. Peer-reviewed science has found the following, the nonprofit Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) has outlined:

-The heart is actively beating at 6 weeks. Between conception and birth the baby’s heart will beat approximately 54 million times.

-The baby’s average heart rate is 98 BPM. This will rise to 175 BPM by 9 weeks’ gestation.

-The presence of a heartbeat at 6-8 weeks’ gestation correlates with a live birth rate of 98% in normal pregnancies without intervention.

Conservative columnist Stephen L. Miller reacted, “Stacey Abrams is pushing a theory here that ultrasound machines, used in hospitals now all over the world, were designed by a cabal of men, to manufacture a sound beat on purpose, in order to convince women to keep unwanted pregnancies,” 

Perhaps Mr. Miller should have added, “Just how dumb does she think we are?”

Note that Ms. Abrams will undoubtedly get a million or so votes in the upcoming Georgia Governor’s race … so again the answer to the question of “just how dumb does she think we are?” is, “pretty dumb … at least in Georgia!”


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