Just “Dumb”

Obviously I look at the world through a jaundiced eye, but don’t we all? I like to think of myself as a thinking, deducing, logical person, and I would venture that most, if not all, of you who are reading this consider yourself in the same way. Going down that same path, sometimes I wonder if many on the other side ever stop and think logically, because some of the things that many of them say are just . . . there is no nice way to say this! . . . are just “dumb.”

Let’s first consider the “Red Hen incident.” Kicking Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of her restaurant because she works with Donald Trump was  . . .  again there is no nice way to say this . . . was just “dumb.”  How could Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of this Lexington, Virginia restaurant possibly think that asking the White House press secretary to leave mid-meal was a smart thing to do? The only possible answer is that she didn’t think! Not only did Mrs. Huckabee Sanders leave without further incident, but she also offered to pay for the dinner that she was not allowed to finish. Who was the adult in that restaurant? In the end which side did Stephanie Wilkinson help? Even Bernie Saunders has come out against the position taken by Ms. Wilkinson!
Next let’s consider the “Maxine Waters incident.” As everyone is probably aware Maxine Waters is the uber liberal Democratic congresswoman from the L.A. area. At a Capital Hill rally on June 23, 2018 she said, “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”
Her making a statement like that was just . . . again no nice way to say this . . . was just “dumb.” How could she possibly think that encouraging possible violence against those in the Trump cabinet was a smart thing to do? The only possible answer is that she didn’t think! In the end which side did Maxine Waters help? Even Nancy Pelosi came out against the position vocalized by Maxine Waters!
Next we have Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal recently likening America’s zero-tolerance immigration policy to the “cattle cars of Nazi Germany.” As we have recently been made aware of, many millennials actually know very little about Nazi Germany, but surely Sen. Blumenthal knows a lot about Nazi Germany. This statement was . . . again there is no nice way to say this . . . was just “dumb.” With these five words he offended not only all Jewish people, but also anyone who knows anything about what really happened in the 1930s and early 1940s. How could he possibly think that this was a wise thing to say? The only possible answer is that he didn’t think! In the end which side did Richard Blumenthal help?
There are obviously many more examples of those on the left saying “dumb” things. They are occurring at least once each week. But’s let’s be clear on my position here – I am encouraging these non-thinkers to continue to take advantage to their constitutional right of free speech! They can and should continue to say all the “dumb” things that they want!

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