Julie Hartman

According to my pattern Sunday is a day that I write about someone who is deserving of our praise. This Sunday I have chosen Julie Hartman. She gave a speech on May 3, 2022 at Harvard. I have assumed for a long time that Harvard University is a bastion of liberalism, and that is why I was surprised and impressed by Julie Hartman who had been chosen to give the commencement speech for her House.

(FYI: A House is essentially one big dorm complex. About 300-500 students live in each of these “Houses.” Each of the Houses has their own dining halls, their own gyms, their own libraries, their own mascots and colors, and their own lil’ quirks and traditions.)

To begin with Julie Hartman began her speech with a quote from Ronald  Reagan … “If we lose freedom in America, there is no place no escape to.”

“Wow,” I thought, “quoting Ronald Reagan in a Harvard commencement speech. This woman has guts.” 

She continued full speed ahead as she basically described young Americans as a bunch of spoiled brats with no appreciation for the freedoms that they have, and no appreciation for why they have them. She emphasized how shallow and self-centered we, as a country, have become. She emphasized how we Americans have shirked our responsibilities. She elucidated examples of woke nonsense that have been met by silence … “xxxx, and we have remained silent.” She then pointed out the dichotomy that “many are using privilege to undermine the system that gave them that privilege.”

To finish her short six minute speech, she closed with another quote from Ronald Reagan … “if not us, then who? If not now, then when?”

Kudos to Julie Hartman for giving a speech like this.

Kudos to her headmaster for choosing her to give the speech.

But back to reality at Harvard … when she finished, she received no applause from her fellow classmates.(I guess Harvard is just as liberal I have have always thought!) I assume that Julie Hartman knew that her speech would not be well received by her classmates, but she went ahead and spoke about what she believed.

I would strongly recommend that all listen to her short speech and then forward it to all on your mailing list, and especially to the young. 

Click on the link below to hear her address in its entirety.

It is well worth it.

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