Joe Did What !

The following is from my recent radio interview where I was asked some softball questions:

Q: Did Joe Biden sexually harass Tara Reade back in 1993?

A: I don’t know and I do not care.

Q: Is that because you are a big fan of Joe Biden ?

A:  Actually, far from it. I think Joe Biden is a bozo. He’s been in politics for a gazillion years, and I still do not know what he stands for. Lately, after hearing him speak, I am not sure if he even knows what he stands for. If the fact that his handlers have kept him hidden away in his basement during this pandemic doesn’t tell America something, then America is in trouble. 

Just imagine if Joe Biden was the President now! Granted President Trump hasn’t been perfect during this pandemic, but this is a street that we have not been down before. Joe would have trouble finding the right city, never mind the right street!  Presidents have to make a lot of tough decisions, and I do not think that Joe is up to the task. When I watch a series of Biden flubs, I almost feel sorry for the guy. Let’s face it, he is the Democratic nominee, basically because the Dems did not have anybody else 

Q: So if you are not a Biden supporter, why don’t you care if he possibly did something to Tara Reade back in 1993?

A:  Because it was supposedly back in ‘93.

Q: No entiendo!

A: Three reasons: 

First, there will never be a “for sure, without a doubt answer,” so why are we wasting all of this time and energy on something we will never know for sure?

Second, let’s assume that Tara Reade’s accusation is true. It was 27 years ago. Are we saying that someone should be forever be damned for something that happened many, many years ago? I think not, because I think that people can change over the course of twenty, fifteen, or even ten years. There must be statute on limitations . . . for just about everybody.

Third: We need to put a stop to these “he said, she said” accusations in politics. If someone is sexually abused, let him/her bring it out in the open . . . Right then. If the accusations by Tara Reade are true, my sympathies and condolences are with her.

Q: Any closing comments?

A: I think that it is only fitting that Joe Biden could have been hoisted by his own petard, but wasn’t, because her story was ignored by the mainstream media.

But, since he’s going to get shellacked by Trump in November . . . no me importa. 

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