Javeno Mclean

As is my pattern on Sunday, I pay tribute to someone who we can all look up to and admire. Javeno Mclean is such an individual.

From Epoch Bright:

Javeno Mclean, 37, who calls himself an “exercise specialist,” is the owner of J7 Community Health Center in Blackley, Manchester, England.

Born in Jamaica, Javeno used to be a professional cricket player. A few years ago, during his prime, he went to India where he had the opportunity to train the squad because their designated trainer had suffered a knee injury. It was in this role that Javeno realized he gained more satisfaction from helping others.

After a few years passed, he retired from cricket and decided that he wanted to help people get into shape.

In the early stages of his fitness career, Javeno worked for the Manchester City Council. However, he wanted to do something on his own, and thus started his gym.

“I wanted a facility that would be full of energy and have exercises that were attractive for the whole family,” he told Cambridge News. “I wanted this to be a gym where people could exercise and find something that works for them. I wanted a place where my mom or aunty or grandma could come and feel the love.”

Javeno offers his help for free, as he believes that taking payment from people who require his help the most “dilutes his intentions,” and makes his message for empowerment weaker.

“I have trained people with disabilities, with cancer, the elderly all for free for 21 years,” he said. “I’ve never taken a penny. I believe if I really want to help and change not just my community, but the world, I must do it from the purest part of my soul – and there isn’t a bank down there.”

Thus far I have not been able to find the equivalent to Javeno Mclean elsewhere although I would guess that somewhere, some such person exists.


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