Ivermectin I.C.U. Insanity

The background from Blaze News:

A Kathleen Davies, a 63-year-old northern Virginia woman, became severely ill with COVID in October, and she has been on a ventilator since Nov. 3.

Davies was prescribed ivermectin by her family doctor, but she could not complete her regime upon being admitted to the Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton. That’s because the northern Virginia hospital refused to administer the drug, “citing medical, legal and practical concerns,” the Fauquier Times reported. This is the beginning of the INSANITY!

Davies’ son, Christopher — who works at the hospital as a radiologist technician — urged the hospital to administer the drug as his mother’s health declined and all other medical treatments had been exhausted. But the hospital continued to refuse.

(Let’s first look at this hospital’s intractable stubbornness. Is Fauquier Hospital looking out for the best interests of a very sick patient or are they playing their callow version of “it’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to?”

First off, Ivermectin had already been started. The adult levelheaded approach here would have been to continue the treatment that Kathleen Davies had already started prior to her admission. A treatment that had been begun by her outpatient physician. If the patient was going to have some disastrous anaphylactic reaction to Ivermectin, she would have already had it. INSANITY!)

After over a month in the hospital on a ventilator, finally on Dec. 6, the Davies family took legal action to compel Fauquier Hospital to administer ivermectin. Just one day later, Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge Jim Fisher agreed with the Davies family and ordered the hospital to administer the drug in compliance with the family’s wishes. Shockingly, the hospital ignored the order. INSANITY!

(Prior to this nonsense, I would have thought that the hospital and its patients would have similar goals for a variety of different reasons. But au contraire!)

“They believe it’s a fight between the rights of the hospital and the rights of citizens. They feel their rights trump her rights,” Christopher Davies told the Fauquier Times.

The hospital claimed because none of its doctors “believe Ivermectin is in Ms. Davies’s best interests and all have refused to prescribe” and because Kathleen’s doctor — Dr. Martha Maturi — did not have privileges to practice medicine at Fauquier Hospital, it could continue to ignore the court order. INSANITY!

(At this point, it appeared that this had become a matter of obstinateness on behalf of the hospital and its doctors. There were some unsubstantiated rumors that the chant, “the hell with the patient!” was heard in the hospital’s halls – supposedly coming from the ICU, from the Doctor’s Lounge, and the hospital administrators office?”

Again here there could been a relatively simple common sense solution … namely, give Dr. Maturi temporary privileges so that she could prescribe and if necessary give Ivermectin to her patient.)

But on Dec. 9, Fisher ruled that such a refusal policy is not state law and again ordered the hospital to permit the administration of the drug in compliance with the family’s wishes. Importantly, Fisher did not rule on the medical merits of ivermectin as effective treatment for COVID-19. But with all other treatment options exhausted, Fisher clearly sided with the family.

Still, the hospital refused to allow Maturi to administer ivermectin. And in a court filing on 12/13/21, the hospital began raising objections to Maturi’s medical qualifications and requested that she testify under oath.(At this point Fauquier hospital had clearly gone off its hinges!)

In a ruling on 12/13/21, Fisher held the Fauquier hospital in contempt of court, ordered the administration of ivermectin, and imposed daily $10,000 fines retroactive to Dec. 9.

Fisher held the hospital in contempt for “needlessly interposing requirements that stand in the way of the patient’s desired physician administering investigational drugs as part of the Health Care Decisions Act and the federal and state Right to Try Acts.”

Judge Fisher gave the hospital until 9 p.m. on 12/13, to administer ivermectin, or he would levy additional fines.

Kathleen Davies was given ivermectin at 8:45 p.m!!!(Now if it turns out that Ivermectin helps Kathleen Davies, good for the patient, and good for Ivermectin. If doesn’t help at this late stage of her illness, I can only wonder what might have been. Either way, my question would be …”was the falderal of all this ‘ Ivermectin I.C.U. INSANITY’ by the hospital really necessary?”)



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