Ivermectin? Hmmm!

I have long been a proponent of using Ivermectin for Covid, both for prophylaxis and for treatment.

Please see my 3/10/21 essay entitled “Covid tidbits,” and my essay of 3/7/21 entitled, “ RCTs.” … both are still available on my blog site (www.californiacontrarian.com)To me it is still incredible that ivermectin is only being used in a few places worldwide for Covid,, especially when you read about the African dichotomy, which is thoroughly explained in this YouTube video.

If I didn’t know better, I would consider the blackballing of ivermectin as a conspiracy, perhaps from the deep state. Hmmm!

ivermectin has been used worldwide for a number of different things, especially in Africa for over forty years. It has a remarkable safety record, and has even been used to treat scabies in young children … again with remarkable safety.

Why in God’s name hasn’t this drug been used for Covid?

Watch this YouTube video, and then ask yourself this same question. Hmmm!

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