In a marked contrast to the way things have been over the last four years, President Trump is attempting a return to normalacy. What we are seeing is the pendulum now swinging from the far left back toward the center. Might the pendulum over swing across the middle and over to the right? … Probably … Hopefully!
I just watched a four-plus minute video in which Victor Davis Hanson points this out. He emphasizes that what we are now seeing is not a revolution, but a counter-revolution. It is a return toward normal. It is a return to common sense. Trillions of dollars in deficits -> cut unnecessary government spending in an attempt to return to common sense. Three genders! -> return to normal common sense! Men participating in women’s sports? -> nonsensical as there are men’s sports and women’s sports and nothing in between. Breaking laws with no apparent consequence-> if you commit a crime, you go to jail.
I could go on and on … about tearing down statues, DEI instead of merit based hiring and promotions, flippantly renaming Mount McKinley, voting on Election Day instead of an “election month,” etcetera. I will close with the nonsensical concept of “sanctuary” cities or states, and open borders … both absurd, and what we are seeing is a return to normal. A return to common sense.
If you have the time, I would advise you listen to Victor Davis Hanson on Tik-Tok … it is well worth it!