It’s Only a Matter of Time !

In a fictional book written at the beginning of Covid, an isolated college town in the desert Southwest was economically failing badly (almost like being in the ICU). The lockdowns prevented any local merchants from doing much, if any business. In addition since most of the small businesses were located adjacent to the college, these businesses were close to death (on ventilators), because the college students were not on campus. The mayor of this town in concert with his physician friend devised a plan to get the town residents purposely infected with the coronavirus. After strictly isolating those who were ill, the older residents were advised to leave the town and stay away for two weeks. The purpose of this “trying to get Covid” plan was to achieve herd immunity. Did it work? You will have to read The Keneally Chronicles to find out. (Available on Amazon.)

At this point you might ask, “Would any normal real-life person ever do such a thing?” Here I am not talking about herd immunity, but rather getting individual natural immunity by purposely getting Covid.

Would anybody be so stupid?? 

Actually a very smart intelligent person did such a thing.

Conservative radio host Dennis Prager announced on 10/18/21 that he is recovering from the novel coronavirus, saying that he deliberately sought to contract the virus to acquire natural immunity, instead of getting vaccinated.

The 73-year-old founder of the conservative media company PragerU called it “infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity, and that is what I hoped for the entire time.”

“Hence I engaged with strangers constantly, hugging them, taking photos with them, knowing that I was making myself very susceptible to getting COVID, which is indeed, as bizarre as it sounds, what I wanted in the hope I would achieve natural immunity and be taken care of by therapeutics,” Mr. Prager said.

“That is exactly what has happened. It should have happened to the great majority of Americans,” he concluded.

At this point Mr. Prager will probably be banned from multiple different activities, because he is not now and will never be vaccinated. Presently “heads in the sand” individuals like President Biden and Dr. Fauci are adamantly rejecting the concept of natural immunity.

However, I predict that obstinance of this sort will change. It’s only a matter of time. For instance, following a growing trend, several Ohio hospitals are allowing staff who have already recovered from COVID-19 infections to defer their mandated vaccines. Premier Health, Kettering Health and the Dayton Children’s Hospital networks have all set a December 1 deadline for workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and all three networks are now accepting proof of natural immunity as a reason to defer compliance. (“Natural immunity” refers to testing positive for coronavirus-targeting antibodies following a COVID-19 infection.)

In the meantime, more and more organizations are beginning to rely on the emerging science of natural immunity. The Kentucky Senate is considering a resolution that would treat natural immunity as equivalent to COVID-19 vaccination. In Pennsylvania, major health networks now accept natural immunity as cause for workers to defer mandated vaccinations.

Like I said, “It’s only a matter of time before rational common sense thinking awakens.

As most of you are aware I am not an “anti-vaxer,” but if natural immunity is as good as, or ever better than the vaccine, then perhaps Dennis Prager is the smarter one.

With the vaccines having waning diminishing effectiveness, but still pretty good at preventing hospitalization, maybe the best thing for the vaccinated would be to now get Covid. An interesting proposition. Would I do it? … Not until I have my Ivermectin.


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