It’s Only a Matter of Time

Most of us have vivid memories of 9/11. Just as us older folk recall where we were and what we were doing when JFK was assassinated back in 1963, those less than sixty will always have similar memories for 9/11. They will always recall where they were and what they were doing on that horrific day. Whereas for those less than thirty 11/22/63 will merely be an historical event, and 9/11/2001 will be a fuzzy memory at best, is it only a matter of time before another sentinel event scars their memory.

Why do I say this, and perhaps more important, why do I say this now? 

Today I read an article by Byron York who five days a week writes his Daily Memo for the Washington Examiner. The article on 5/17 was about the border crisis, and it contained some impressive numbers . . . “impressive” in a bad way despite what Biden-Harris administration is trying to sell us.

From York’s article entitled, “A Disaster Entirely of Joe Biden’s Thinking”:

“The more we learn about the true dimensions of the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, the worse it is. Now, a new report says that in the last few months, U.S. authorities have encountered illegal border crossers not just from Mexico, or the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, but from 160 nations around the globe. People are coming to Mexico from the most distant spots on the planet in order to cross illegally into the United States, confident that President Joe Biden will let them stay. And Biden is doing just that.”

York continues:

“More than 12,500 Ecuadoreans were encountered in March, up from 3,568 in January,” The New York Times’ Miriam Jordan reports. “Nearly 4,000 Brazilians and more than 3,500 Venezuelans were intercepted, up from just 300 and 284, respectively, in January. The numbers in coming months are expected to be higher.

“Aid workers report seeing migrants from everywhere — “Arabic, Haitian Creole, Hindi and Portuguese speakers,” among many others.”

How many foreigners are crossing our southern border?  For those of you who are buying the “what crisis?” mumbo-jumbo of the Main Stream Media, more than just a few, in fact quite a lot. They are crossing the border in record numbers –178,622 known cases in April, on top of 172,331 in March. 

The Biden-Harris administration is silently trying to convince us that those who are crossing are all good guys … and I emphasize the word “silently.”  They intimate that these are good guys”(men, women, and children), who are justifiably escaping bad stuff in their native countries. However, those of us who are not drinking the Kool-Aid that this administration is handing out realize that it’s only a matter of time before one, or more likely many, of the present day border crossers perpetrate some horrific attack on the US and its citizens. 

When? I don’t know, but it will certainly be something that will scar the memories of my grandchildren – assuming they are fortunate enough to survive.

It’s only a matter of time!

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