It’s No Longer Magic !

From BlazeNews:

“Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who delivered the Republican address to the nation on the heels of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday 2/7/23, asserted that the president and his party have ‘failed’ Americans and that the divisions in the nation today are ‘between normal or crazy.’”

With Biden’s approval numbers in the tank, it appears that those that are “normal” disapprove of Joe, and those who are “crazy” approve of Joe’s performance. If Joe was a businessman, he would soon be an out-of-business businessman. You just can’t piss off a lot of the population with “woke” nonsense, and expect them to like you. … and that segues to Disney. Over the last few years it appears to me that Disney has done its damnest to try to alienate a large portion of the population with its woke nonsense. 

I just read a piece by Karol Marcowicz that pointed out the insanity of what Disney is doing to itself. The major difference between the actions of Biden and Disney, is that if Biden tanks, no me importa to him as already over 60% of the crazies do not want him to run again, whereas if Disney tanks, the revenue tanks which makes its stock price tank, which makes stock holders unhappy, etc. a continuing cascade.

In the last year or so, Disney inserted itself into the political debate over Florida’s Parental Right’s Law, and then they were caught discussing “adding queerness” into children’s programming. Both were just downright stupid. Why would any business purposely piss-off half of its potential customers? Disney even continues to still try to placate its woke critics with disclaimers before many of its classic films, e.g. Dumbo and Peter Pan. 

So guess what happens  when the California Disney execs push their “woke” agenda on  “the normals?” … The CEO was replaced. The Disney stock price dropped about $25%, and Disney just announced that it was laying off 7,000 workers. Recently the Magic Kingdom closed Splash Mountain, because it offended some “woke” individual or group.

As Karol Marcowicz pointed out in her op-ed, if Disney continues to try to please the woke (the crazies), we may be witnessing the collapse of Disney as the normals take their entertainment dollar elsewhere. As we are witnessing the continuing collapsing of Joe Biden’s approval numbers, the Magic Kingdom is no longer “magic!” The question is “can Disney change course?”


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