It’s A Long Way . . .

“It’s a long way to Tipperary.” No I am not talking about the song that is associated with WWI about a British soldier longing for his sweetheart in Tipperary. Neither am I talking about Snoopy who fancied himself a World War One flying ace. In one cartoon Snoopy is walking so long a distance to Tipperary that he lies down exhausted and notes, “They’re right, it is a long way to Tipperary.” Snoopy aside, here I am talking about the fact that it’s a long way to the initial caucuses and primaries for the Democrats, and they have a problem. Mayor Pete of South Bend, Indiana is in the lead in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Keep in mind that South Bend is only the fourth largest city in Indiana, and if Norte Dame we’re not located there, no one would have a clue that it was even in Indiana. The last Democratic debate was boring, and no one even took a potshot at the mayor! I guess that tells everyone how significant his candidacy really is, as typically those on the debate stage will go after whomever is in the lead, but for Mayor Buttigieg . . . nada! The only semi-exciting part was the cat-fight between Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard, but neither of them are polling well. Warren was exceptionally quiet, except for saying that to be a Democrat, you had to be pro-abortion! Think how that is going to go over with the millions of Catholics who typically vote Democrat! Sanders was . . . typical Bernie, but did not impress anyone other than himself. The good thing for the Dems, is that he has not had another heart attack! Booker and Klobuchar reportedly did well. (I say reportedly because I busy that night and did not watch this debate!) Neither of them have much of a chance, so “who cares!”

Biden got snickers from the pro-Democrat audience when he talked about punching out those who are guilty of spousal abuse . . . “nice choice of words, Joe!” Joe also told Cory Booker, “I’m as black as you!” Sleepy Joe is reportedly at the top of the National polls, even though his son, Hunter, is getting way more headlines, including his most recent paternity test that showed that he is the father, even though he denied it. The other Joe problem is Ukraine. This problem will not go away and will only get worse if this impeachment fiasco goes to the Senate. 
Right now for me the most riveting question is: Which got the lower T.V. ratings . . . the impeachment hearings or the last debate? I doubt that I will be seeing those results in my local newspaper!  However, my newspaper does have a Peanuts cartoon strip. Maybe the Dems could get Snoopy to throw his hat into the ring, as he would add a lot more interest and zip to their debate stage. On one occasion, Snoopy walks along and begins to sing the Tipperary song, only to meet a sign that reads, “Tipperary: One Block.” Yes, it certainly is a long way to Tipperary, but unfortunately for the Dems, it is getting shorter. Snoopy could probably do better than Yang . . .who is Yang anyway?

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