Is There a Pattern?

Headline: “President Trump’s Travel Ban Rejected by Court”
Is this rejection in line with what has happened in the past with travel bans issued by past presidents?
Has there been a pattern?
President Carter in 1979 ordered federal officials to “invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.”
(hmmm – a ban of citizens of a Moslem country imposed by a Democratic president)
As far as I can tell this travel ban was not found to be unconstitutional by the courts.

During WWII President Roosevelt limited the number of incoming Jewish refugees fearing that Nazi spies could be among these refugees.
(hmmm – a ban against foreign citizens of a specific religion imposed by a Democratic president)
As far as I can tell this travel ban was not found to be unconstitutional by the courts.

In 2011 Obama’s State Department stopped processing Iraqi refugees for 6 months after two al Queda terrorists were found living in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
(hmmm – a ban on all refugees from a Moslem nation, imposed by the State Department of a Democratic president, because there were some terrorists in the U.S.A. from that particular nation)
As far as I can tell this ban was not found to be unconstitutional by courts.

Are we seeing a pattern here yet?°
Perhaps, the pattern here is that all of these travel bans involved a Democratic president. Those on the left will rightfully say, “Not so fast! There have been some prior travel bans issued by a Republican presidents!”

Chester Arthur in 1882 banned ” skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining” from entering the U.S.A. – for 10 years during a time of high unemployment. Also Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 banned anarchists and others deemed to be political extremists from entering the U.S.A. This after President McKinley was killed by an American anarchist, a son of Polish immigrants.
As far as I can tell these “Republican” bans were also not found to be unconstitutional by the courts.
Are we seeing a pattern here yet?

In the past the courts have not gotten involved when presidents have issued travel bans, even if the ban was against a Moslem nation (Iran & Iraq), a specific religion (Jews from Germany), or people of a specific foreign nationality (Chinese).

As William Stock, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said, “It is very clear that the president has been given the authority when the standard [of] national interest would be adversely affected.”

Alan Dershowitz, a prominent liberal professor emeritus from Harvard Law, stated, “Usually the judicial branch will defer to the executive branch in matters involving national security, unless there is a clear cut violation of the Constitution. In my opinion that high threshold has not been met in this case.”

When asked at the recent Circuit Court hearing, a lawyer from the ACLU said, when asked, that the ban would have been okay if it had been issued by “President Hillary Clinton” . . . and the 4th Circuit still ruled against President Trump!
Could it be that liberal judges of the 4th & 9th Circuit have ruled against President Trump’s recent travel ban only because President Trump issued it?

Are we seeing a pattern . . . now?

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