Is the New York Times Sexist?

First of all, one of the definitions of sexism is: “discrimination or devaluation based on a person’s sex . . . more commonly, this discrimination is directed against women.” However, nowhere can I find that sexism can only be discrimination against women.

On 1/19/20, the  New York Times announced the candidate(s) it was endorsing for president. In an interesting interesting progressive end-run, they endorsed two candidates, both women, Sen. Warren and Sen. Klobuchar. Could it be that the NYT could not afford to take the risk of potentially offending either one of these women by endorsing the other? Even though they are both progressive, their progressiveness is a matter of degree. Warren is far-far left, whereas Klobuchar is much more moderate although left of center. If the NYT was set on endorsing two candidates, why would they not endorse two candidates based on their policies? Why endorse two candidates that are not equal on the leftism scale ? To me this sounds as if they are set on backing a woman, irrespective of the differing policies of Warren and Klobuchar. Objectively this sounds sexist . . . back a woman, and devaluate men, irrespective of policy. The mere fact that they are endorsing two women sounds like they are purposely “poking a stick in Bernie’s eye” in response to his alleged comment on the possibility of a woman being elected. Clearly this NYT’s endorsement of two women was intended to be the coup-de-grâce for Sanders, his death knell, so do speak. 

I do not consider myself a sexist. I did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I voted for Donald Trump instead, not because he was a male, but because he was the far better candidate. Would I vote for a woman to be POTUS? Yes, in a New York minute! (No pun intended!) Give me a choice between a good female candidate and a mediocre male candidate, and I will go XX every time. For instance, I would have voted for Condoleezza Rice in the past and I would vote for Nikki Haley in the future if she were running for President.

When the NYT says, “May the best woman win,” is this sexist? Is this the 2020 version of being DNC-esque? Is the fix in ?

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