Is the DOJ Now the DOI ?

According to, The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. The subsidiaries of the DOJ include the FBI, the DEA as well as other entities. In attempting to learn more about the DOJ, nowhere can I find that, ‘intimidation’ is a part of its usual modus operandi. However, to me it appears that intimidation is becoming almost part of the standard operating procedure (s.o.p.) of the DOJ.

With an extreme reach I suppose that I can understand why it was necessary to have over twenty armed FBI agents involved with the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home even though he was not there. Over twenty armed agents … for what? Only for pure intimidation!

As I wrote about on 9/12/22 Lisa Gallagher of New Jersey said her daughter woke her up early in the morning to tell her three armed agents were outside asking for her. Armed agents to confront a middle-aged housewife … why? Pure intimidation!

The point (and this is a theme in every authoritarian regime), the point was to use government agents to intimidate enemies of the regime on the basis of an anonymous tip.

On Oct. 13, 2021, Mark Houck allegedly went to sidewalk counsel at the Planned Parenthood Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center in Philadelphia. He brought his eldest son with him – who was 12 years old at the time.

An abortion clinic volunteer named Bruce Love and Houck allegedly got into an altercation outside of the Planned Parenthood clinic. Houck’s wife claimed that her husband was on the sidewalk of the abortion clinic and not the property of Planned Parenthood.

Houck’s wife claimed that Love got into “the son’s personal space” and refused to stop saying “crude… inappropriate and disgusting” comments at the father and son.

Mark Houck “shoved him away from his child, and the guy fell back” and he hit the ground.

Police were called, but Houck was reportedly not charged because there was a “lack of evidence” of an assault.

Ryan-Marie Houck claimed that Love “tried to sue Mark,” but the case was thrown out of court this summer.

Around 7:05 a.m. on Friday, the Houck’s home was reportedly raided by 25 to 30 FBI agents and 15 government vehicles surrounded their house.

With his seven children screaming in the background, Houck was arrested and taken away.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice charged Houck with a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Twenty-five to thirty FBI agents!! Why? He lives in his neighborhood home with his wife and seven children. Was Mark Houck a flight risk? … Hardly! So why so many agents? Why did the FBI agents have their guns drawn?

The answer pure and simple is intimidation!

To me what had been known in the past as the DOJ, is now more aptly the DOI … the Department of INTIMIDATION!


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