Is Patel Another Psaki ?

When the situation warrants it … lie! Does that sound like Jen Psaki?

That is, in essence what Dr. Kavita Patel, an NBC News medical contributor, says that you should do when flying. 

During a recent interview on MSNBC, Dr. Patel advised airplane passengers to self-enforce the travel mask mandate that a federal judge vacated this  week. (“Self-enforce” sounds surprisingly like that recent video clip of the woman who “demanded’ that the man sitting next to her on a plane be moved to a different seat … that was before she was escorted off of that plane.)

She said, “you should bring extra face masks with you when flying and essentially demand that the people sitting next to you on the plane wear them.” (There’s another ‘demand!’)

“I know this sounds crazy, but if you tell someone next to you on a plane — N95 mask or surgical mask and just say, ‘I’ve got an elderly mother at home. I’ve got a child with cancer at home, please do me a favor.’ Having the people at least closest to you in that row protecting yourself and them can be the best safety,” she continued. (In other words, if necessary, just straight out, lie! ; and then make sure that they do not eat their peanuts or drink their water too slowly!)

If knowing that Dr. Patel was on MSNBC doesn’t tell you all you need to know, she also served in the Obama Administration as director of policy for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement in the White House, where she played a key role in design of healthcare reform legislation.



134 Replies to “Is Patel Another Psaki ?”

  1. The judge in question is a Trump appointee rated as unqualified. Should a single political appointee-judge control what essentially is a public health policy-for the nation?
    I’m flying to Sacramento intermittently and I sure would be happy if the visibly ill coughing sneezing folk anywhere in the aircraft would out of the goodness of their hearts put a mask on.Their “freedom” ends where my nose begins to paraphrase the old saying, with the new spin. Meanwhile, I keep a mask in my pocket more or less all the time and don it when prudent.

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