Is It Possible ?

Yesterday morning I wrote a witty satirical piece about the Commisioner of MLB, Rob Manfred. It portrayed him as an unprincipled piece of putty, having been molded into the shape of a true weakling when he caved to the demands of Stacey Abrams, Al Sharpton, and the thinking of LeBron James. 

When Manfred decided to pull the game out of Atlanta a lot more than just me thought that he was nothing more than a weak “woke” squishy weasel. (I am truly sorry to insult all weasels.) In that case is it possible that he could make a statement something like the following?:

“Even though I struggled with moving the All Star Game(ASG) from Atlanta, I need to emphasize that this move was the best thing to do for baseball. In fact my team of advisors, including such names as Stacey Abrams, LeBron James, and Al Sharpton, have convinced me that the Georgia Legislature’s latest voting law is out to get black people.

“Actually, no, I did not read the 98 page Georgia document, but these same close advisors have filled me in on what’s in it. Well, of course, I presume that they have read the entire thing.

“I want to emphasize that the ‘suggestion’ by some of my advisers that players would be convinced to boycott the All Star Game if I did not move it out of Atlanta . . . played no part in my decision. This baseball decision was based solely on principle. I will not affirm or deny that before I released this statement, that it has been okayed by my team of advisors Furthermore, the principle involving my membership at Augusta National is different, and so . . . err, I will not comment on it any further.”

However, later that same afternoon, I thought how likely is it that whiny Stacey ‘I-really-did-win-that-2018-election’ Abrams, a Brooklyn college non-finisher and an ordained Pentecostal minister – ordained by Bishop F. D. Washington at the age of nine or ten, and someone who barely finished high school outsmarted someone who graduated from Harvard Law.

Supposedly Sharpton and Abrams threatened that players would boycott the game if he didn’t move it. Also it has been reported that this group also threatened to cause “chaos” in Atlanta if the game wasn’t moved.

Perhaps Manfred thoughtfully decided that the best thing would be to “compromise” and move the game. 

At this point I thought:

“Is it possible that Manfred realized that his legacy could well be that of someone who did irreparable harm to the American pastime. Is it possible that he figured that a proper comeuppance for Stacey and her crowd would be to relocate the ASG to Denver . . . for whereas Atlanta is a little over fifty percent black, Denver is just a smidgen over nine percent black. Is it possible that Manfred thinks that the black folks in Atlanta are a lot smarter than what Abrams gives them credit for. Furthermore, is it possible that the African Americans in Atlanta will soon realize that they have been snookered by a charlatan named Stacey . . . gypped out of about $100 million in jobs.

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