Is CNN Putz-ville U.S.A. ?

A devastating hurricane ravaged Florida, and CNN responds just like could be anticipated!

From WJAC6:

During an interview with National Hurricane Center Acting Director Jamie Rohme, CNN anchor Don Lemon sought to blame the intensity of Hurricane Ian, which has winds just below the most severe category of hurricanes, on climate change.

“What effect has climate change had on this phenomenon that is happening now, because it seems these storms are intensifying that’s the question,” Lemon asked for a second time, seemingly not satisfied with Rohme’s initial response where he appeared to dismiss the concern.

“I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event,” Rohme responded. “On the cumulative, climate change may be making storms worse, but to link it to any one event, I would caution against that.”

Lemon once again seemed unsatisfied with Rohme’s response. Rather than shooting off another question, Lemon began arguing his opinion on whether climate change is impacting the intensity of Hurricane Ian, which is on the verge of being considered a Category 5 hurricane.

“Okay, well listen, I grew up there and these storms are intensifying something is causing them to intensify,” Lemon said before moving on to another line of questioning.

Would you expect anything different?

Of course Don Lemon would like us all to believe that he knows more than the National Hurricane Center Acting Director Jamie Rohme. What a putz Lemon is!

Though the past two decades have featured two of the most active hurricane seasons on record, research from Dr. Dale Ward, an atmospheric physics scientist at the University of Arizona, says attributing the damage caused by recent storms to “a systematic increase in hurricane activity or intensity” is inaccurate. Ward points to revolving periods of warming and cooling which, on a delayed basis, align with stretches of active and inactive Atlantic hurricane seasons.

CNN reporter Steve Contorno used the treacherous hurricane to disparage DeSantis. Contorno compared DeSantis encouraging Floridians to listen to local officials regarding hurricane preparations and evacuations to the governor previously advising residents to listen to state guidelines about COVID-19 pandemic instead of guidance from local government.

Granted I have never heard of Steve Contorno … but why would I? He appears to be just another CNN putz.

CNN senior reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere retweeted Contorno and added, “Hurricanes & politics tend to run into each other in Florida, but this time it’s with a governor who has put himself at odds with many local government officials and who has been looking for fights with a president he may end up running against… 6 weeks before Election Day.”

Radio show host Erick Erickson responded, “COVID is not like a hurricane. This is dumb and discrediting analysis.” He should have added that Dovere also appears to be a putz personified!

My question … “Does one have to be a putz to work at CNN?”


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