Is a “Mea Culpa” Coming ?

It appears that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is over, and thus far the main headline is that there are no indictments . . . which means that he has not found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

Here’s what our nation’s top leaders had to say about the report.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement:          “I welcome the announcement that the Special Counsel has finally completed his investigation into Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 elections. Many Republicans have long believed that Russia poses a significant threat to American interests. I hope the Special Counsel’s report will help inform and improve our efforts to protect our democracy. I am grateful we have an experienced and capable Attorney General in place to review the Special Counsel’s report. Attorney General Barr now needs the time to do that. The Attorney General has said he intends to provide as much information as possible. As I have said previously, I sincerely hope he will do so as soon as he can, and with as much openness and transparency as possible.”The following is a part of a joint statement by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi: “. . . Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public. . . ”House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MA) issued the following statement:“ . . . I urge the Attorney General to perform his duty to country and Constitution, ensure that this report is made available to Congress and the public, and resist any attempt by the White House to interfere . . . “
Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) issued the following statement:“Like most Americans, I am glad to see that this investigation, which has taken nearly two years and cost tens of millions of dollars, has finally come to a close. The reports that there will be no new indictments confirm what we’ve known all along: there was never any collusion with Russia. The only collusion was between Democrats and many in the media who peddled this lie because they continue to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election. I am glad Attorney General Barr will now be able to review the report, and I look forward to Congress being fully briefed on its findings, including the cost to taxpayers.”
So far what I find interesting is the tone of the Democratic spokes-persons. They are still making sure that everyone knows that they will still be on the watch for skullduggery from President Trump and the White House. Why not just say that they are anxiously awaiting the full report, but no, again they have to make veiled accusations about something which has not occurred. These 675 days of Special Counsel tomfoolery are theirs, but to me the question remains whether or not they can be reconciled to the findings.

What I am especially looking forward to is the response of Rep. Adam Schiff (D,CA). As everyone is probably aware, he has used this investigation to make unfounded accusations against our President, while making sure that his mug was on MSNBC and CNN. Will he say, “mea culpa?” 

Will any of the Democrats say “mea culpa” to the American people for wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on such an obviously partisan boondoggle?

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