In Agreement, Again

Just today I found that I agreed with President Trump on an issue on which I was unaware that he even had a position. I realize that some of you may feel that I agree with him carte blanche on everything. While this may be mostly true, I think that we agree because we just think alike. Perhaps I should have been a real estate mogul! Maybe the next time around?

Today I read that Rep. Louie Gohmert (R, TX) was going to sponsor a bill called The United Nations Accountability Act that is awaiting a vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This is a common sense measure that seeks to punish those countries that vote against us in the United Nations by withholding their aid. Apparently of the 14 nations that received the most aid money in 2016, only one voted with the USA more than 50% of the time a the United Nations: Israel.
This is crazy! On the surface it appears that we are being very generous to those who, in essence, oppose us most of the time. Now we all know that there will be those who will say that if we withhold our aid to these countries that disagree with us more than half the time that their behavior, especially with regard to human rights, will deteriorate. While that may be true, the fault does not lie with us. That’s like saying that if I don’t give the bully my lunch, he will beat up on and steal the lunch from someone else. If the bully does do that, it’s his fault, not mine.  After all it is my lunch.
With the U.S. being trillions of dollars in debt, perhaps we should not be giving any aid at all, or at least giving aid in a sensible and judicious manner.
While I agree in principle with Rep. Gohmert, I would approach this issue from a different angle. I would make all foreign aid renewable, individual country by individual country, every two years before the summer recess, in election years. Every two years, make all of the members of the House and the Senate take a position on the aid we are giving to each individual country. The American people deserve to know, for instance, if their tax money is being well allocated, or is being given willy-nilly to those countries that are really not our friends. This would not be punishing anybody, but rather would be rewarding our friends as they have earned it. Would any parents continue to give an allowance to a child who was constantly disagreeing with them. Of course not! An allowance must be earned.
Apparently in one of his speeches President Trump said something similar to what I just said, but he did not have a detailed plan like the one I just spelled out. In essence, he has agreed with me again! I wonder if and when he will be calling me for advice? Like I said in the beginning he and I agree most of the time, because we think alike!

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